
Thanks so much for stopping by and checking out my website. Need some inspiration? Browse blog topics for inspirational insights. Dealing with some difficult issues? Contact me for a complimentary counseling consultation.

You are not alone! Check out our latest Conscious Choices Women’s Connection Group — a monthly zoom gathering to inspire each other’s clarity, courage and connection. Join us for this awesome opportunity to connect with other like-minded women.

Remember you are an amazing, beautiful, powerful being. Know you are loved.

Thanks so much for stopping by and checking out my website. Need some inspiration? Browse blog topics for inspirational insights. Dealing with some difficult issues? Contact me for a complimentary counseling consultation.

You are not alone! Check out our latest Conscious Choices Women’s Connection Group — a monthly zoom gathering to inspire each other’s clarity, courage and connection. Join us for this awesome opportunity to connect with other like-minded women.

A Book Helping Women Connect

Wisdom Of The Heart

Women’s Retreat

We made wonderful joyful connections at our Wisdom of the Heart Women’s Retreat!

“Every day was filled with wisdom and tools to take home. And the music was awesome!”

“Each retreat has taken me deeper in finding the “real” me. The support of my ‘sisters’ is beyond anything I can imagine.”

“As a new person to the group, I was amazed at the immediate acceptance and welcome into this amazing circle of women.”

Set your intention to join us at our next retreat.

Save the date:

Next Retreat: October 19 – 22, 2025


Conscious Choices: A Woman’s Guide to Clarity, Courage and Connection

by Christine Green

Get my free download, Ten Tips to Tapping into your Intuition, by subscribing to book updates to the right.

Whether you are just beginning your spiritual journey or seeking to deepen your connection, Conscious Choices invites women of all backgrounds to embark on a transformative exploration of their authentic selves with courage, grace, and compassion.
“Conscious Choices is a wise, inviting, and imminently practical work to assist women in moving beyond their self-imposed limitations. Women at all stages of spiritual development will find something meaningful because we all deserve to thrive, not just survive.” – Louise Carnachan, author Work Jerks: How to Cope with Difficult Bosses and Colleagues

“I found myself highlighting many passages because they resonated so much with what my own journey.  I loved the affirmations she included so much that I have written them on note cards that I can post around the house (and add to my phone app so that they appear at random). I wish that I would have read this book years ago!” – Bobbi Kahler, The Unyielded podcast host, coach, author

Want to lead a study group?

Contact me for info on starting one in your area.

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