“There is a Divine spark at the center of your being. But you need to recognize this, believe it and act upon your belief.” Ernest Holmes, Thoughts are Things
Have you ever found yourself arriving home but don’t remember driving there? Some days we can be so lost in thought that we drive on autopilot, failing to notice the world around us.
When we practice mindfulness or awareness, we are paying attention. How am I feeling in my body? Where do I notice tension? What emotions am I feeling?
Once I am aware, I notice the tension and the tightness in my body. I feel the feelings. I am awake to something more than my physical body and senses.
There’s a subtle shift that happens in the mind when we go from taking life for granted to being in awe of how the world works and how the universe functions. I am awakened to being part of something greater. I am awake to my connection with Spirit.
When we manage to stay in that awakened state, the world seems magical. We noticed the colors, the sounds, the intricacies of a flower, the beauty of nature, the joy of laughter. We live in appreciation and gratitude.
When we live in awareness we live in amazement and we are open to unlimited possibilities. Activist and spiritual teacher, Barbara Holmes says, “When we are fully alert in Spirit, mind and body, we are more than we imagine and can accomplish more than we suppose.”
When we are awake we live in a state of wonder, amazement, and we are seeing through the eyes of our soul. We are seeing through the eyes of love. We know something wonderful is bound to happen.
Affirmation: Today I am aware, awake and enthusiastic.
“If confusion comes, take your intellect and dive deep into your pool of peace. Through an act of faith open your eyes and you will see there is no confusion.” Ernest Holmes, This Thing Called You
I was visiting friends on the Oregon coast and I walked a few blocks down to the beach. The fog was so thick once I got there I could only see a few feet in front of me. I left that location and drove a short distance to another beach that was fog-free, where the sun was shining brightly.
There are those days when I feel an internal fog. Confusion, doubt, turmoil. A feeling of being stuck. In the past I would fight with it, as if playing a tug of war to see who is going to win and have dominion over my thinking. It can feel exhausting.
I have to consciously step out of the fog to find clarity. Clarity is always there, I have to be willing to step aside and let it through. Finding compassion for myself I can choose to step through fog. Going for a walk, taking a nap, meditating, chanting are a few of the practices that bring me back to center, back to clarity.
Clarity is not only freeing the fog but tapping into the Divine Wisdom. When I make that God connection something greater is being revealed. Something greater than I could ever imagine is waiting for me.
I can see clearly now, the rain has gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It’s gonna be a bright, bright sun-shining day.
– Johnny Nash
Affirmation: I live my life with clarity and wisdom.
“The purpose of life is the expansion of happiness.” Deepak Chopra
Expansion of Life is the fourth step of exploring the frequency of love.
Letting go
Opening the heart
Vibrating vitality
Expansion of life
When we are able to let go, open the heart, tap into vitality we open to the expansion of life. There is an expanded sense of self and a deepening of our mystical experience. This is divine power.
Living in a world that craves external power, Carolyn Myss reminds us, “Power originates behind your eyes, not in front of your eyes. Once power becomes visible, it evaporates. True power is invisible.”
Expansion is the all-encompassing presence of love. Now we live in the awareness of love as a frequency, a vibration, a presence of grace. We no longer try to possess love but instead learn to live as an expanded sense of self and give love away.
Practice sending love every chance you have. Send energy, send light, send grace. It is all love. Whatever you give out graciously is returned multiplied.
Enjoy the journey.
Affirm: I am grateful for the expansion of love as my life.
“Heart opening is a conscious act of participation in healing the self and others. It is an act of creative engagement with the spiritual ascension of humanity.” James O’Dea
Opening the Heart is the second step of exploring the frequency of love.
Letting go
Opening the heart
Vibrating vitality
Expansion of Life
When we love without hanging on there is an openness in our relationships. When we are open we are free to allow. When we allow we are willing. There’s no need to restrict or control but we experience greater freedom to appreciate and honor each person on their journey.
We begin with ourselves. When we allow our hearts to open there is a greater sense of self-acceptance. We are more inclined to forgive our mistakes, doubts, and limitations. We have a sense of self-compassion. Self-compassion allows us to view others with empathy and grace.
A great way to practice openness is to practice with the breath. Pay attention and set aside time to consciously breathe and release. Open yourself to receive love, appreciation, and respect.
Affirm: I am open to receive all that the Universe has in store for me.
“Love is not a feeling. Love overrides feelings because it is an expression, an active expression of the divine operating as and through you. So as you align to the frequency of love, you call to you love.” Paul Selig
Love means many things to many people. If we see it as a frequency instead of a feeling, our experience is transformative.
When exploring love as a frequency, contemplate these four steps:
Letting go
Opening the heart
Vibrating vitality
Expanding Life
Have you ever heard yourself say, I love that. I just have to have it! Love can easily become ownership. We want to own the thing we love. It may work for objects but not so much for people.
Hanging onto a person is not love but dependency. We often restrict another’s growth because we have an expectation for them to stay with us and to stay the same. We fear change and often equate change with loss.
Maybe instead of being attached to a person, we enjoy their company and let them grow. We let go of demands, our own needs and insecurity. Imagine what it would it be like to engage in inter-dependent relationships, growing together and respecting each other’s lives.
Practice this week noticing the things and people you want to hang on to. Practice loving and releasing. Avoid trying to fix, control, and manage. Instead honor and respect loved ones in your life just as they are. Pay attention to the results.
Affirm: I am willing to let go and allow love to be expressed in the world.