Ultimate Sales Strategy


My client was frustrated. She provides a valuable service and has an easy time meeting people. She was stuck when it came time to telling them about her business.  She didn’t want to be a pushy salesperson.

The word ‘salesperson’ is so 1970’s. I know very few salespeople. The guy who sold me my car was one.  The telemarketer who tried unsuccessfully to sell me a vacation in Las Vegas was another. They weren’t interested in me; they wanted me to buy what they had.

I shared with my client that she didn’t need to sell anything. She has been in her industry for 20 years, has a wealth of information and a list of successful clients. Her job is to get to know people and what they are interested in. The more engaged we are in others, the more engaging we are to others.  The power is in building relationships. Businesses become successful because of our relationships and how much we care for each other.

I’d like to take credit for this insight but it came from observing my beloved husband Laurence. I watched as he built his business from the ground up. I noticed how he paid attention to people and remembered facts about their families and interests. His legacy was that he sincerely wanted to see others succeed. In return, he excelled and prospered in his work.

The gift is living by intention and having that intention be focused less on the desire to possess and more on being inspired to express. Love works.

Be Nice to You


Being nice is often a cover-up for what we really feel about ourselves. We want to be loved, acknowledged, appreciated, treasured and cherished. But when that little voice inside tells us that we are unworthy, we change into our superwoman gear and attempt to show the world that we are nice, capable, reliable, and dependable. Trying so hard to appease others, we tend to neglect our own goals and dreams.

It is possible to give without giving up balance, to ask for what we want without sacrificing harmony, and to be good without depleting our self-worth. Setting boundaries, nurturing ourselves, learning to speak up help us maintain balance and strengthen our worthiness. 

Nurturing ourselves does not mean we are being selfish or narcissistic. Nurturing serves to renew and revitalize. As we nurture and take care of ourselves we expand our spiritual connection, which allows us to deepen our faith and trust our experience in the world.

Wise words from Buddha, “You yourself, as much as anyone in the entire universe, deserve your affection and love.” Be nice to you!




I was driving my friend to the train station after a wonderful visit when we got stuck in construction work and a traffic jam. I found myself complaining the whole time and felt frenzied by the drive. I got her to the train station, drove to my next appointment and found myself exhausted. Complaining is a sure-fire way to lose energy, motivation and enthusiasm.

Accusations, blame and criticism are the ABC’s of complaining. If we believe our words have power, then using them to complain keeps our problems alive. The Law of Attraction works both ways: Whatever we put our attention on increases. Focused attention on what is not working causes energy and vitality to spiral down.

I love this quote from Emma Curtis Hopkins. “I am satisfied with the world in which I walk. All things please me. Near me is the presence of Good. I am a creation of the living God, perfect, harmonious and satisfying.”

I think I would rather engage in the ABC’s of harmony: Appreciate, bless and compliment. I appreciate the opportunities and blessings I have today and everyday!

From Ordinary to Extraordinary


I learned over the years that it is more important to create my own happiness rather than expect it to come from someone else. No one can fill the feelings of emptiness, loneliness and lack. I have to find it within myself.

I know I cannot feel gratitude when I have raging feelings of resentment, separation, and blame. I’ve trained myself to take a gratitude walk. I get out of the house and walk through the neighborhood or nearby park and take notice of the beauty and abundance around me.

We must be love to find love. When we feel love we appreciate the preciousness of life and all that life has to offer. When we are in a state of appreciation, we have a greater realization of our connection with God, can see the bigger picture of life, and that moves us into a greater experience of love.

Love transforms ordinary moments into extraordinary opportunities. Loving someone without wanting or needing anything is the greatest gift we can give. Loving and accepting someone unconditionally is like sending positive ions or invisible vitamins to them. Love blesses the giver and the receiver.

If I listen to someone’s story, make someone smile or perform a random act of kindness, I’ve sent love to that person. When they feel love, they will share it with someone in their circle of influence. The experience has a ripple effect, like a stone being tossed in the water. Not only have I sent love to another person, I have expanded the experience for myself.

Love is an inside job. It starts with letting go of the pain from the past. As we acknowledge and appreciate others, we begin to receive it ourselves. And it is contagious!

Sounds of Silence


I was in a meditation class in a busy downtown area. The window was open and all I could hear was the busy traffic. The instructor was talking about quieting the mind and all I could hear was the busy traffic. She said find a place of peace and all I could hear was the traffic. It occurred to me that there was ‘noise’ was going on all the time in my mind—it wasn’t just the traffic. In that moment I was able to stop obsessing about the traffic and go within to find the silence.


Until we give ourselves space to be quiet and listen to the sounds around us we are caught up in someone else’s ideas. It’s wonderful to be able to relax with soothing music, be entertained or educated. But it is so important to take time to be in the silence. It gives us space to allow our own creativity to show up.


Take a few moments, close your eyes and breathe. You may notice the noise around you but as you continue to breathe, your shoulders relax, the mind chatter lessens and you are immersed in the silence. Breathe. Release. Enjoy the sounds of silence.