Conscious Abundance

“Your personal welfare begins with your consciousness. It is not what happens on Wall Street. It is not the “state of the economy.” It has its inception in the state of your mind. You can be prosperous when business is poor, and you can experience financial difficulties even when business is booming.” Spiritual Economics by Eric Butterworth

It is so easy to get sidetracked by what is on the news or what our neighbor said or what our family thinks of us. It takes practice to stay centered on spiritual truth, knowing that God is the only source of our supply. All good comes from God. It may come to us through a company, person, opportunity. But the source is God.

Knowing that frees us from being victim of the world around us. Practicing makes it reality in our lives.


Imagination is an incredible gift from God. The astonishing progress we’ve seen in our world over the last century came about because people imagined great things and took action.

Imagination has a down side. It’s called fear. The body doesn’t know the difference between what is imagined and what is real. So when we allow our imagination to focus on negative thoughts, our emotions activate fear, often derailing our goals and sending us into a downward spiral.

I observed this when I was back east a few weeks ago visiting my family. My Dad was completely distraught after watching the news. Even though the distressing events had not occurred, he was feeling fear for the future. My attempt to explain that the news people were projecting what might happen were futile. My proposal to watch a movie instead of the news was scoffed at. My suggestion to pray instead of worry, well, that just wasn’t practical at all.

It’s really a shame. My Dad’s not alone. We all get caught up in the cycle of replaying negative projections over and over again. It can be hazardous to our health, both individually and collectively.

Instead of focusing on the fear of the future we can take personal actions to lift us out of the fear. Instead of allowing the imagination to dwell on all the catastrophic things that could happen, we can visualize postive outcomes. Instead of repeating all the doom and gloom we hear on the news, we could say a prayer.

God gave us an incredible gift by giving us imaginations. As we use our imaginations for good, amazing results show up in our lives.

Question is, what are you imagining?


Today brings back so many memories. Especially this year with the loss of my husband Laurence. We were married on September 1st ten years ago.

My prayer is for compassion, peace and love. For our country and all humanity.


When out to dinner recently, a friend asked if she could have the chicken heated on her BBQ chicken salad. “No” replied the employee. Not “Sorry, but no” “Not usually, but let me look into that” or the correct answer “Of course we can do that for you.” Just no. So she asked the question again but still no. She rephrased the question and asked again. Finally, seeing that my friend was not going to take no for an answer, he called over to another employee who said, “Sure, I can do that.”

What fascinated me more than the amazing lack of customer service, was my friend’s persistence in asking for what she wanted. Three times. She was never rude or arrogant, but politely continued asking.

Simple but powerful reminder of what is available to us every day.

“Ask and it shall be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be open to you.” Matthew 7:7


As a child in Catholic school, I often imagined the opulence and mystery of heaven. It seemed to be a magical place where there was peace, love and all the ice cream I could eat. However, there seemed to be a lot of stuff to do (or not do) before I could be good enough to live there.

I now understand that the blessings of heaven are available to me now. When I align myself with spiritual principles to find my own peace of mind, it feels heavenly. I can experience heaven when I live in the consciousness of love, releasing resentment, anger and separation.

With enough attention, discipline and persistence, I can live in a heavenly state of awareness. However, unlimited ice cream is another lesson for another time.

“Heaven within is one perfect harmonious life, substance and intelligence and I rejoice.” Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore