Who Cares?

I’ve been writing about caregiving the past few months and reflected on the powerful examples in my family.  Years ago my grandparents emigrated from Poland to the United States in search of a better life for their families.  My Dad was one of the oldest of twelve children and he left high school to get a job so he could help support his family.

In the 1960’s my grandfather suffered a number of strokes and was unable to walk. He weighed over 200 pounds and my grandmother wasn’t strong enough to move him. For ten years, my mother went to their home every night and put my grandfather to bed and each morning she got him up and dressed and sat him in his chair. Now my sister cares for my Dad who lives home alone and my Mom who lives in a nursing home.

I could list endless stories of family and friends who care for each other in time of need. I’m sure you have a list of your own caregivers.

Caregiving is complex. It demands us to be patient, strong, persistent, fearless and gentle. We are called on to be advocates, listeners, errand-runners and negotiators. At the same time we deal with our own feelings of guilt, failure, disappointment and fear. All while trying to take care of ourselves so we can care for others.

And yet in the midst of pain, fear and sorrow, the opportunity to be a caregiver is truly a gift. The time we spend with our loved ones is precious. There is an awareness of love that is amazingly profound. We experience an extraordinary deepening of faith.

Who cares? I do. And I know you do. We care because we love and we love because we care.

I absolutely know that God cares for us and loves us unconditionally. And just when we think we can’t face another day, God sends us a caregiver to give us a call or a hug or lend a helping hand.

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.”        1 Corinthians 2:9  Praise God.

Remember Me

This July 4th weekend we celebrate freedom. This video reminds us of all we have to be grateful for.
A 15 year old girl made this.
This puts to shame the output of a number of Hollywood producers
and/or directors.
All I can say is WOW!!!!!!!
This film was made by a 15 year old girl. It is the hottest thing on
the internet. Lizzie Palmer who put this
YouTube program together, is 15 years old. . In case you missed it, here it is.
Watch all of it…….and, pass it on!!


Doubt, fear, indecision, worry…that negative chatter can drive us crazy.

Watch this video!! Bob Newhart has the answer!


Developing Faith

In our class we are exploring how to live a faith-based life. There is no right or wrong way to develop faith. We build faith in ourselves when we are willing to step out of our comfort zone. Every time we step out we become more confident, have more clarity.
Spiritual faith is knowing that we don’t walk this journey alone. When we turn our awareness to God we know something greater is supporting us in our efforts and on our journey. As we develop the awareness of something greater than ourselves, we see more dramatic results.

Life can be so challenging. It can shake our faith on a daily basis. I know the more grounded I am in faith, I can meet the challenges that show up. Everyone faces doubt or confusion.

I am truly grateful for my awareness of faith, God’s Love and the extraordinary blessings in my life.


I was driving my friend to the train station after a wonderful visit when we got stuck in construction work and a traffic jam. I found myself complaining the whole time and felt frenzied by the drive. I got her to the train station, drove to my next appointment and found myself exhausted. Complaining is a sure-fire way to lose energy, motivation and enthusiasm.

Accusations, blame and criticism are the ABC’s of complaining. If we believe our words have power, then using them to complain keeps our problems alive. The Law of Attraction works both ways: Whatever we put our attention on increases. Focused attention on what is not working causes energy and vitality to spiral down.

I love this quote from Emma Curtis Hopkins. “I am satisfied with the world in which I walk. All things please me. Near me is the presence of Good. I am a creation of the living God, perfect, harmonious and satisfying.”

I think I would rather engage in the ABC’s of harmony: Appreciate, bless and compliment. I have more energy already!