by Christine Green | Jun 8, 2011 | Uncategorized
A friend commented the other day that she didn’t like to admit her fears. She felt if she didn’t talk about them, they wouldn’t be real.
That was my pattern for many years. Think positive thoughts and somehow that keeps bad things from happening.
Fear has dominion until we pull it out from underneath the shadows and face it. Then we can reprogram the fear, identify what we want and step out into life.
Fillmore states, “No external condition or circumstance can hold man in bondage when he makes mental contact with God.” The condition or fear only has as much power as we give it. Connecting our thinking with spiritual principle gives us power, freedom and grace.
What I’ve learned is that God provides whatever resources I need at the time I need them. Praise God.
by Christine Green | Jun 1, 2011 | Uncategorized
Seth Godin uses the term ‘emotional labor’ in his book Linchpin. He describes it as the work we do to better ourselves so we can face our fears, deal with resistance, speak well of ourselves and others. He goes on to say that this is the individual work we do for ourselves that sets us apart. When we know ourselves and grow ourselves, we become valuable assets to our companies, clients and those around us.
This is an exciting revelation for those of us on the spiritual path to see business catching up with what we have known. You see, we’ve been doing this work for years. We have been facing fears, digging in and understanding ourselves so that we can move past hiding out, avoiding people and deadlines and feeling less than everyone else. We have the tools, processes, activities and the technology to understand ourselves and excel.
Here is one of the most influential business professionals in the world acknowledging the importance of self-awareness. It doesn’t matter if you call it self-development, spiritual practice or work. It does matter if you do it.
by Christine Green | May 30, 2011 | Uncategorized
I’ve been thinking about my Dad today and appreciating his amazing history. Just eight days after my parents were married, Pearl Harbor was attacked. My Dad was drafted two months later. He trained in Mississippi and then in Trinidad before he was sent to Europe. He was a Private First Class Engineer assigned to General Patton’s 3rd Army. He served for three years fighting on the front lines, building bridges and clearing land mines. He was discharged in 1945 and received a Bronze Star, American Campaign Medal, WWII medal and American African Eastern Campaign medal.
My Dad is incredibly humble and is reluctant to talk about the war. When I think of all he’s experienced and all he’s done I am deeply moved and grateful. I am very grateful he made it through and is still here.
Praise God for all those who have fought for our freedom.
by Christine Green | May 25, 2011 | Uncategorized
Oprah’s last show was one of grace, power and love. She beautifully spoke of her journey and her passion. She talked of how much she appreciated her fans and how she learned from them.
She shared her deep gratitude and belief in God and how she has been guided throughout her life.
She shared we all have a platform to speak from and to serve from. It is up to us to live out of our inspiration and passion. She has blessed the world and we have all been lifted up by her grace. Praise God.
by Christine Green | May 21, 2011 | Uncategorized
Six o’clock has come and gone and the world has not come to an end. At least not today.
We could use Harold Camping’s prophecy to our advantage. The world didn’t come to an end, but tomorrow is a new beginning. We do have an opportunity to make choices on how we want to love and embrace life.
My husband, Laurence and I lived in gratitude and in the awareness of the preciousness of life each day. We knew each day we had together was a gift. I give thanks every day for the blessing he was and continues to be in my life.
My intention is to love more, give thanks for my blessings and trust that God’s grace guides and directs me each day.
We may not know about the last day. But we can live each day as a new day. Maybe that’s the real prophecy.