The news media can be our over-active nervous system–if we let it. Turn away from the outside world and speak words of truth, of what you claim for yourself and your country. Speak these prayers from Ernest Holmes aloud. Keep your vibration high.
My Prayer for My Country
by Ernest Holmes
Believing in the Divine destiny of the United States of America and in the preservation of liberty, security, and self-expression for all, I offer this, my prayer for my country:
I know that Divine Intelligence governs the destiny of the United States of America, directing the thought and the activity of all who guide its affairs. I know that success, prosperity, and happiness are the gifts of Freedom and are the Divine heritage of everyone in this country. I know that success, prosperity, and happiness are now operating in the affairs of every individual in this country. I know that Divine guidance enlightens the collective mind of the people of this country, causing it to know that economic security may come to all without the loss of either personal freedom or individual self-expression. I know that no one can believe or be led to believe that freedom must be surrendered in order to insure economic security for all. The All-Knowing Mind contains the answer to every problem which confronts this country. I know that every leader in this country is now directed by this All-Knowing Mind and has the knowledge of a complete solution to every problem. Each is compelled to act upon this knowledge to the end that abundance, security, and peace shall come to all. And I know that this spiritual democracy shall endure, guaranteeing to everyone in this country personal liberty, happiness, and self-expression. Amen.
Prayer for Peace of Mind
by Ernest Holmes
Be still and know that I am God. I am the Christ, the Light of the Living God within me. I am the Principle of Peace within me. I am the manifestation of Love within me. My mind is poised in Peace and Beauty. All sense of fear and doubt is gone. I rest in calm trust and rely on the Law of Spirit to bring good into my experience of Life. I contend with none, argue with none, and am filled with wonderful Peace and Light. There is no uncertainty about my future and no fear as a result of my past. I live in an eternal Now which is filled with good alone. Goodness and Beauty follow me. Happiness and Wholeness fill my entire being with the realization of Love and Perfection. I am the Christ, Light of the Living God within me. This inner mind of mine is now Divine and complete. It has no worries and no fears. It is whole, complete and satisfied. I look back over all previous experience and find that it was all good, very good. I look toward the future and find that it is good, very good. I look at the present and find that it is also good, and very good. God is in all, over all and through all. I am the Christ, Light of the Living God within me. I am the Spirit of Confidence. I am poised in Love and Reason. I am the perfect Law of Truth and the complete Presence of Beauty.
I am the Christ, Light of the Living God within me. Amen.
Our Wisdom of the Heart retreat was another wonderful experience of joyful connections. We arrived a bit weary, rattled and stressed from our busy lives. And we left uplifted, renewed, and realigned with the presence of love.
Here is some of what the retreat sisters shared:
–The retreat gave me a chance to look at what is really going on in my life. I received prayers and tools that I can use everyday to further open myself up to the gifts the Divine has already made available to me.
–As a new person to the group, I was amazed at the immediate acceptance and welcome into this amazing circle of women.
–The prayer night affected me profoundly. There was a powerful presence that surrounded us.
–Every day was filled with wisdom and tools to take home. And the music was awesome!
–Big love to Lauri for bringing such heartfelt, spiritual musical beauty to our experience.
–First time attendee and I will return. Rev Christine is an excellent facilitator responding to our needs.
–I always appreciate the flow of practices, the opportunities for sharing, and the balance of downtime. I do not have many opportunities to step out of my life to be supported in this deep work and I am so grateful that you continue to offer this transformative time.
–Each retreat has taken me deeper in finding the “real” me. The support of my “sisters’ is beyond anything I can imagine.
–I loved the whole retreat! I arrived rattled from the noise and clutter and found peace.
–Spending time in an old growth forest with heart-centered women led by Rev Christine is a gift for your soul.
–The retreat is a respite from the overwhelming cultural demands. It helps calm the spirit within and to know more clearly who you are.
Save the date for next year’s retreat: October 19 – 22, 2025.
“You are word. You are an aspect of God being brought forth into light.” – Paul Selig. I Am the Word
Have you ever noticed that some days a brain fog seems to set in and we forget about the power of our words? We often speak aloud words of criticism, complaint, and judgment coming from our inner critic instead of empowered messages of love and inspiration from Spirit within. The words of the critic come from the head, and the empowered words of Spirit originate in the heart.
From The Book of Knowing and Worth, Paul Selig reminds us, “What you give your authority to becomes your God. And if you want your pain to be your authority, or the memory of your pain, that will be your claim, that is what you put into your basket, that becomes your broadcast, or your resonance and you call it back to you in every moment of your waking life.”
Yikes! I don’t know about you, but I prefer not to call back my pain and suffering every moment of my waking life. I choose to be aware in the present moment. I choose to pay attention to my thoughts and words.
Do you ever talk out loud to yourself? When we do, we tend to say things that are not positive and uplifting. Try this practice: Speak your gratitude and words of empowerment out loud. Your heart needs to hear your voice. Your heart hears constant words of error and false beliefs. But when your voice speaks words of truth aloud, your vibration is raised, your awareness is heightened, your experience of love expands.
Practice your spiritual readings out loud, as well as your prayers. Speak your gratitude for being aware in this moment, for loving friends and family, for your delicious meal. Affirm your success, prosperity and good health.
Our words are adding to the vibration of humanity. Let’s make them count.
Speak this aloud for yourself, your family, our country.
“A single rose can be my garden…a single friend, my world.” Leo Buscaglia
Joni Mitchell sings “You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.” But I knew every day what an amazing friend I had in Georgena Grace. She was compassionate and kind, funny and thoughtful, caring and generous. And oh, how she loved flowers!
Her life was the epitome of service. She went out of her way to lend a hand, always willing to step up when needed and when she smiled her brilliant smile, you felt loved and appreciated.
As a trauma specialist and grief guide, Gerogena held our hands as we moved through our grief process. She guided us through the rocky terrain as we tried to make sense out of losing a loved one and showed us how to find solid footing so we could move forward on our sacred journey. She was a loving mother, an awesome sister, an amazing friend, a loyal confidant—these are just a few of the roles she held in the world. The world is left a better place because she was here.
Life is so short. We are here for just a brief time on this planet, to explore and learn and remember who we are as spiritual beings. And when we’ve completed our journey, Spirit calls us home.
How do those of us left on the planet cope with the loss of a loved one? I turned to Georgena’s book, A New Mourning: Discovering our Gifts in Grief for answers. Her wisdom is to practice self-care. “This self-care thing is a lifelong, moment-by-moment process that I have said yes to….”What is the most kind and loving thing I can be, do, or have of myself in this moment? A cup of tea? A glass of water with a pinch of sea salt and lemon? A walk outside to feel my bare feet with their 1,300 nerve endings per square inch, connect with the grass, the dirt, the sand? One minute of peace and quiet as I turn away from the computer and stretch? Telling my story to a trusted colleague or family member? Being grateful for what I am doing, where I am or something beautiful right in front of me?” Wise words and practices for us to embody.
Georgena is now the energy and vibration of love. While we cannot hug her or call her on the phone, she lives in our hearts. You might even hear her whisper to you in the night, “God’s got this.”
God Bless You Georgena. Thank you for your grace.
There will be a Celebration of Life Service for Georgena on October 28 at 1:30 pm at The Aerie at Eagle Landing located at 10220 SE Causey Ave, Happy Valley, OR. The ceremony will be live-streamed then re-posted at a later date.
A memorial fund has been established to help cover the service and end of life expenses. Payments can be made to: The Georgena Grace Celebration of Life Fund, PMB #734, 5331 S Macadam St, Ste 258, Portland, OR 97239. For online donations, inquire with the subject line “Donation” to her email,
For more details, follow her Georgena Eggleston blog on Caring Bridge.
“If you can’t do something about the situation in your life, go be a blessing to someone else.” Joyce Meyer
We spend so much time worrying about things we often can’t do anything about. We obsess about family and friends and wish they would change. We wake up stressing about things that haven’t happened yet. We worry for the world, for the planet, for our children.
Something powerful happens when we move from the place of needing to get something to being willing to give. The best place to start is being willing to listen. Listen to the experiences of others. Listen to their stories, their pain, their process. Practice listening and not responding. Listen without attachment.
Then when you are ready to move outside your comfort zone, a good question to ask yourself is: “How can I be of service for the highest good today? Please guide me to think the thoughts, speak the words and take the actions that will allow me to be love, and to bring that love into service.” Then observe everything from that moment forward as a sign responding to that question.
You are needed during this very important time. Some are needed to be in prayer and meditation, others are needed to give hugs or to hold signs, others are needed to service in positions of influence. Some are needed to raise a family, to care for others, or to stand up for those who cannot speak for themselves.
You are needed. Your gifts are needed. Your presence is needed. Your love and peace are needed. Ask yourself, “Where can I be a blessing today?”