by Christine Green | Aug 18, 2010 | Uncategorized
I purchased some bracelets to give as gifts at a little market in Jerusalem when I was there on pilgrimage last year. I kept a pink one for myself. It was a simple beaded bracelet but it had meaning and memories. I was with Laurence on his doctor visit yesterday to OHSU and when we left I realized my bracelet was missing. Going back was not an option. I thought to myself, I am going to trust that my bracelet will be replaced. Don’t know how or when but I know nothing is ever lost in God.
As we were finishing lunch today, my dear friend Pam pulled a little bag out of her purse and presented her handmade gift to me. Not one, but seven beautiful emerald green and sapphire blue beaded bracelets. My missing bracelet was returned in 24 hours. Multiplied. With Love.
One of many signs and wonders that God so graciously provides. A reminder to me to let go and trust God for my good. There is nothing for me to do. Only stand in faith. I am so grateful God is so gracious.
by Christine Green | Jun 25, 2010 | Uncategorized
I received this beautiful poem after a recent presentation. My words were ordinary but Donna’s hearing and willingness to accept were extraordinary. Praise God!
You spoke
of the
Divine Self within.
and I paid attention.
You said,
“The highest intentions come from Good.
I come from the highest intentions.
Therefore, I am Good.”
And my long Healing Journey was complete.
On the Wednesday evening
of June 16, 2010
at a Dress for Success meeting
I became a whole person.
A WHOLE person.
It wasn’t just
What you said
but How you said it.
freely given,
with Caring
and Love.
My long Healing Journey
was complete
that night.
My Life
of Healing
Thank you
the bottom
of my Heart.
Donna Hood LMT 6/23/10
by Christine Green | Jun 23, 2010 | Uncategorized
There was a large family camped out in the ICU waiting room for several days. They were disruptive and noisy while the TV blared and the kids cried for attention. It was the only way they knew how to deal with pain. They were disagreeing about whether or not to turn off life support for their family member.
Sometimes life can cause disruption, noise and often there are too many things calling for our attention. The frustration of not being able to control anything is simply exhausting. We are left to rely on our faith, hope and God’s unlimited love.
Thank you for your continued prayers for us. I know your love messages and prayers are getting through to Laurence and he hears you and feels your love. I know I do.
by Christine Green | Jun 14, 2010 | Uncategorized
The power of positive thinking! I love this. The enthusiasm, conviction, the passion. What a gift!
by Christine Green | Jun 8, 2010 | Uncategorized
Some days “Paper or Plastic?” can be an overwhelming question. I talked with a client today about how we as women waste so much time making decisions, wondering what other people are thinking about us, obsessing about doing the right thing and agonizing over whether we’re good enough to do anything. Stop!!
We need to stop spinning and take action. Did you ever notice how a man will do something and ask questions later? They don’t spin they act. They’re not worried about what someone else is thinking. They are too busy getting stuff done.
It’s time for us to support each other in living our dreams and taking action. It’s time to look at the big picture and move away from the microscopic view. It’s time to MAN UP! I’m ready, are you?