Conscious Abundance

“Your personal welfare begins with your consciousness. It is not what happens on Wall Street. It is not the “state of the economy.” It has its inception in the state of your mind. You can be prosperous when business is poor, and you can experience financial difficulties even when business is booming.” Spiritual Economics by Eric Butterworth

It is so easy to get sidetracked by what is on the news or what our neighbor said or what our family thinks of us. It takes practice to stay centered on spiritual truth, knowing that God is the only source of our supply. All good comes from God. It may come to us through a company, person, opportunity. But the source is God.

Knowing that frees us from being victim of the world around us. Practicing makes it reality in our lives.

The Utility Quilt

Ruby is a project design student at University of Oregon. She designed an amazing tarp out of used grocery bags. She created the Utility Quilt for the homeless in Portland. Ruby was inspired by a news story on NPR and had the idea that if it works here, it should also work for the people in Haiti. Please help get the word out about her awesome project. She could use volunteers, irons, plastic grocery bags. What an inspiration!

One Day at a Time

I was sharing with a friend today about my passion for empowering women to live inspired lives. Each of us has power, potential and unlimited possibilities. All too often that potential is buried underneath guilt, doubt, lack and limitation.

As we commit to our inner work of clearing away blocks and releasing error thoughts and limiting beliefs, we let our light shine. We find freedom to achieve our goals and dreams.

Once we find our own freedom, we are then in a position to help others on their spiritual journey. Transforming the world to be one of peace, freedom and grace begins with taking dominion of our own lives. One day at a time. Praise God!

Power of Agreement

Erik Martin had a dream. He always wanted to be a superhero. His dream came true last Thursday when Spiderman called and asked for his help. The 13-year-old boy was whisked away across town in a DeLorean sports car driven by Moonshine Maid and escorted by 20 motorcycle officers. For the next several hours Electron Boy fought evil doers as he raced from one Seattle neighborhood to another. Hundreds of volunteers participated in an elaborate event that shut down freeways and engaged everyone in one task; to make Erik’s dream come true. Erik has liver cancer. Thanks to the Make-a-Wish Foundation, Erik’s dream became a reality.

I was so moved by his story. Someone listened and paid attention. Then they engaged the community and supported Erik in making his dream come true. Isn’t that what we all want? To be heard. To have our dreams realized.

We have the awesome opportunity every day to be in agreement with another for their goals, their dreams, their ideas. An amazing shift happens when we listen and really hear what another is saying. Anxiety falls away and they stand a little straighter and smile a bit brighter.

Run, don’t walk away from those that complain about what’s wrong with the world. It’s a downward spiral that saps the spiritual juice right out of us. Finding agreement on a solution is far more empowering and infinitely more fun than living in victim thinking.

It is written in Matthew 18:19, “Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.” When we stand in agreement for another, we open the door to God’s gracious blessings. Erik said it was the best day of his life. I bet that everyone who participated in making his dream come true would heartily agree.

Transform Criticism into Love

Picture 284When we are the target of blame or criticism it can knock us off our mindful centeredness and leave us spinning in self-doubt and resentment. What do we do with that negative energy?

This is where being the observer is so important. Immediately we want to defend ourselves and attack back. But if we are able to step aside from the accusation, we can observe our emotions and thoughts. The other person is in pain. The greatest gift we can give in that moment is to listen and not respond. Have you ever noticed a time when you were upset and you just want someone to hear you? Listening can change the experience from one of attack to one of surrender.

Listening allows us to take our human personality out of the picture. Of course, there are emotions in reaction to what was said. But as we listen we are able to set aside our human personality and be present. Then when we respond we do so out of love.

Recently several clients were confronted with anger and resentment. They reacted not by responding to their accuser, but they called for spiritual support to stay connected in love. As they were able to acknowledge their feelings, recognize their beliefs and stand in truth, they were set free from pain. Most of all, they were able to observe the other person with love. Staying in love is critical to living in Grace.