
There are principles or laws that are constantly at work in the world around us. We know there is a law of gravity. We can’t see it or feel it but we know without it we would be left floating around the universe. We know gravity is there and we depend on it to keep us grounded.

By being aware of the spiritual laws, we can put our attention on them and use them to our benefit. For example, spiritual principle states ‘Whatever we put our attention on increases.’ If we are not aware of this principle, we might spend time worrying or thinking about the worst case scenario. Instead, by using it to our advantage, we put our attention and energy on what we want rather than what we don’t want.

By putting our attention on the Divine qualities of Love, Peace, Joy, Beauty and Abundance, we attract more of our spiritual nature. As a result we live a more Grace-filled life.

Easter Blessings

The spiritual significance of Easter is our awakening into Christ Consciousness. We have died to the old and are resurrected in the new. We live in faith, love and grace.

When we live in the awareness of God’s love, we live in grace. We know that challenges and obstacles are temporary for “This too shall pass.” There is a deepening of faith knowing that whatever is needed each day is already provided; whether it’s having the strength to face the day, courage to speak the truth, or help for a loved one. Faith is appreciating every day as a treasure and every experience as a gift.

Thank you for joining us during our Lenten practice. It is an honor to share the sacred principles of truth. May the newness of the Easter season reveal a rebirth of faith and an awakening of love.

Bible Reading: John 20:1-18

Affirmation: “In unity with Christ I realize that I am resurrected anew in the life, light and power of God.” Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore

Dark Night of the Soul

There comes a time during our spiritual journey where we have done our painful inner work of releasing and forgiveness but have not yet seen any change or benefit in the outside world. The experience is like a black hole or empty void. Depression, frustration and hopelessness can show up. The temptation is to give up, start up another project or find a distraction. We’ll do anything to avoid the dark night of the soul.

Change is happening on a mental, emotional and spiritual level. Our cells are being readied for a new expression. We are gathering strength and vitality. Even though we can’t see the change, we live by faith knowing the renewal is taking place.

This is the time to build our faith. We are called on to deepen our courage, patience and trust. More will be revealed at the right and perfect time. Nothing has been lost. Consciousness is being prepared.

Jesus was in the tomb for three days. It seemed that all was lost. In reality, he was preparing for the true purpose of his life in earth; the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life and extraordinary love. Our dark night of the soul is our preparation for a greater expression yet to come. It’s time to rest in God.

Affirmation: “I rest in the consciousness of eternal life and strength and I am made perfect.” Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore

Good Friday

One of my most powerful experiences in Jerusalem was the opportunity to walk the Stations of the Cross commemorating Jesus’ final hours before his crucifixion. It is called the “Via Dolorosa” or the “Sorrowful Way.” It begins at the Convent of St Anne and winds through the crowded streets of the old city of Jerusalem. The photo was taken at the Chapel of Condemnation which signifies the place where Jesus received the cross.

Fillmore describes the crucifixion as “the crossing out in consciousness of certain errors that have become fixed states of mind…the giving up of the whole personality in order that the Christ Mind may be expressed in all its fullness.”

Our spiritual journey is a process of releasing our error beliefs and limiting ideas and opening to God’s extraordinary presence of love. As we die to the old way of thinking we experience a rebirth of love, joy and abundance. The gift of Good Friday is the recognition of this process and the promise of eternal life.

Affirmation: “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.” Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore

Power Struggle

Have you ever noticed that the moment you decide to move forward toward a goal that the negative gremlins show up? They are extremely productive in spewing doubt, fear and criticism. Now an all out battle rages between the enthusiasm of a goal and the emotions of doubt. Exhausting!

The spiritual path calls for persistence, practice and patience. Our commitment to stay on the path keeps us on purpose toward our goal. Practice keeps us engaged. Patience builds faith.

Staying in practice allows us to take dominion. Doubt has no place and no power over us. Send doubt back to the nothingness from which it came. The power struggle is over.

Affirmation: “Old error thoughts are passed away. I am a new creature I Christ.” Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore