The Emerging Spirituality

The war on drugs, the war on terror, the war on poverty. We are pretty much in agreement with what we are against in life. That part is easy. The important aspect to spirituality is to identify is what we stand for and what we believe in.

We begin by recognizing that there is a power for good that is God. Each of us is an individualized expression of this life. We see that expression revealed as love, peace, harmony, joy and abundance. We value the preciousness of freedom and the graciousness of God’s gifts.

Our connection with love is our connection with God. As we practice staying present and in the now, we open ourselves to more love, more peace and more joy.

Affirmation: “The redeeming law of God is awakened with me and I am renewed in Love .” Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore

Presence of Peace

Today is the day we remember the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, exactly one week before His resurrection. People gathered around and laid palm branches before him welcoming him into the city.

Jerusalem represents the abiding presence of peace. We recognize Jesus as Christ consciousness and an awareness of oneness. Palm Sunday symbolizes our willingness to welcome the presence of God’s Love into our hearts and peace into our minds.

Fillmore states “When the I AM consciousness takes charge of the body a new order of things is inaugurated. Vitality is no longer wasted. Through high and pure ideals the whole consciousness is raised to a higher standard.” Today is our opportunity to rejoice in our oneness and in God’s eternal love.

Affirmation: “The Spirit of God dwells in me and I am made perfect.” Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore

Faith + Love = Transformation

One of the miracles Jesus performed early in his life was transforming water into wine at the wedding feast in Cana. It was a very simple act of love fueled by his unwavering faith. The result was unmistakable grace.

We have an opportunity every day to transform our thoughts from fear into love. Feeling gratitude, remembering to breathe, whispering a prayer, listening to uplifting music and connecting with beauty are just a few of the ways to inspire love into our thinking.

This time of year is a metamorphosis of life. We celebrate the newness of spring, honor freedom in the festival of Passover and are renewed with the promise of eternal life in Easter. We are reminded of the preciousness of life and the joy of living. Whatever tradition you celebrate, take a moment this week to acknowledge and celebrate the presence of Love. And watch the transformation take place. Blessings.

Affirmation: “Spirit in my is transforming my body into pure spiritual substance and my soul rejoices.” Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore

P.S. I was so blessed to travel to Israel on pilgrimage earlier this year. This is a photo of the beautiful little church honoring the wedding feast in Cana. It was an unforgettable journey.

Transfiguration of thoughts

I was in awe watching the Olympic athletes this year and their commitment to train day after day, week after week, year after year. I was amazed by their persistence to keep going no matter what obstacles came their way. I respected their courage to continue even though they had injuries, surgeries and life challenges.

I imagine that they have fears and doubts just like the rest of us. What keeps them motivated is the vision of what is possible. They have the faith to keep moving forward no matter what happens.

Staying connected with God and moving forward with our goals is like climbing a mountain. Faith is the fuel that keeps us climbing. Love is the inspiration that keeps us moving. Forgiveness melts any obstacle in our way while gratitude infuses us with oxygen to keep us going. The exquisite experience of joy is the end result.

Ultimately, thoughts of lack and limitation have to be transfigured or changed in order to keep going. Faith is an individual process of growth, patience and willingness. As we let go of the pictures of doubt and replace them with a vision of love, we can reach any mountaintop.

Affirmation: “My mind and body are radiant with the light of Spirit and I am triumphant, glorious and splendid.” Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore


Have you ever held a grudge against someone? I did and noticed it was keeping me pretty occupied. Avoiding them, trying not to think about them, trying hard to pretend they didn’t hurt me…it was exhausting.

When we don’t forgive we stay in the struggle. It is a burden we carry on our souls that keeps us prisoners to the past. We are in bondage with anger, bitterness and resentment. When we don’t forgive, it makes it difficult to move forward in life because there is a wall that separates us from love.

Forgiveness is an opportunity to let go. Forgiveness puts an end to the illusion of separation. It takes a great deal of courage to let go. When we do, it is one of the most important processes that will bring harmony to life and peace to our soul. We are free to express love into the world.

Bible Reading: John 17:1-26

Affirmation: “I see the walls of resentment and separation melting away and I live in the presence of love.” Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore

(A recording of the full lesson is available by calling 1-218-844-8799 and enter access code 777681#)