
As a child in Catholic school, I often imagined the opulence and mystery of heaven. It seemed to be a magical place where there was peace, love and all the ice cream I could eat. However, there seemed to be a lot of stuff to do (or not do) before I could be good enough to live there.

I now understand that the blessings of heaven are available to me now. When I align myself with spiritual principles to find my own peace of mind, it feels heavenly. I can experience heaven when I live in the consciousness of love, releasing resentment, anger and separation.

With enough attention, discipline and persistence, I can live in a heavenly state of awareness. However, unlimited ice cream is another lesson for another time.

Bible Reading: Matthew 13:24-53

Affirmation: “Heaven within is one perfect harmonious life, substance and intelligence and I rejoice.” Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore

(A recording of the full lesson is available by calling 1-218-844-8799 and enter access code 777681#)

Healing the mind

Several years ago someone jimmied open the sliding glass door of my condo and left with many of my favorite possessions. I was left with a horrible feeling and lots of space where my computer and stereo used to be.

Self-judgment reminds me of that thief. It sneaks into my mind when I least expect it and steals any sense of self-worth and confidence I may have. Then I’m left trying to make sense of what just happened and with empty space to try to fill with something good.

The healing comes from compassion, forgiveness and love. Self-judgment is an old pattern of thinking and if I can find a glimmer of compassion about myself, I can forgive the inner critic for stealing away my peace of mind and return to a state of love. Ultimately, love can heal even the most painful crime.

Affirmation: “Through Love, God’s vitalizing energy floods my whole being and I am healed.” Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore

Discipline + Inspiration = Ideas

Ideas are like unlimited of points of energy floating around the universe that we can’t see or feel. All too often, we have an idea and we simply watch it float by. When our mental atmosphere is filled with ‘I can’t,’ I don’t have time,’ or ‘I don’t know what to do,’ there is no place for the idea to latch on to and stick. Have you ever had an idea and neglected to take action only to watch someone else grab onto it and run with it resulting in overwhelming success? Wish I thought of that…

Inspiration is defined as result of an inspired activity; an idea. When we have developed the discipline to stay connected to our spiritual awareness, we open to the ideas floating around and attract them into our thought process. Discipline helps to overcome the mental blocks that stops the ideas from taking hold.

When we have the discipline to train the mind and the inspiration to empower the idea, we can achieve the ideas that excite, motivate and empower us. When we use our ideas for the good of humanity, we receive rewards we cannot even begin to imagine.

Bible Reading: Luke 5:1-11

Affirmation: “In the presence and power of the Christ idea in me, I proclaim my perfection.” Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore

(A recording of the full lesson is available by calling 1-218-844-8799 and enter access code 777681#)

The Sabbath

I was struggling with meeting a deadline one day last week and felt like my brain was not working. I took a break and read from Keep a True Lent and then meditated for a few minutes. I went for a walk and had some inspiration on my walk to help me finish my article and meet my deadline with time to spare.

Fillmore describes the Sabbath as “the time we enter into spiritual consciousness and rest from thoughts of temporal things.” Every time we rest from the outer and turn within we achieve a place of spiritual attainment. The Sabbath doesn’t happen only on Sunday. Every time we connect with Spirit we release attachment to the outer and open to greater wisdom, freedom and grace.

There are 21 days until Easter. You are welcome to join us in our Lenten practice. I promise, it’s not about suffering. (My Catholic experience of Lent.) The practice is an opportunity to release any belief in suffering and open to the experience of Grace. It is also a practice of discipline. Since it takes 21 days to form a habit, this is a great opportunity to form a spiritual practice discipline. What better way to open to divine consciousness and abundant blessings! Reading is below.

Bible Reading: Mark 2:23-28; 3:1-6

Affirmation: “I rest in the consciousness of the true Sabbath and my heart is filled with joy and satisfaction.” Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore

(A recording of the full lesson is available by calling 1-218-844-8799 and enter access code 777681#)

The Fourth Dimension

The movie Avatar awakens us to the idea that there is a consciousness beyond what we can touch, feel or see. There is a unity with all life that connects us as a whole.

The human mind is bound by time, space and conditions. But as we deepen in our realization of Spirit we move into another dimension of being. It is the experience of looking beyond the appearances of the world and knowing that there is something more powerful, more expansive that what our limited imaginations can perceive.

Every time we move into the silence in meditation or prayer, we touch into that divine consciousness. On our spiritual journey, we listen with more that our human ears. We listen with an awareness of something much greater and an expectation of something good. As Ernest Holmes states, “The mind which we discover within us is the Mind that governs everything. This is The Thing Itself, and we should recognize its simplicity.”

Affirmation: “The illuminating power of Truth awakens and quickens my consciousness and I discern clearly.” Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore