by Christine Green | Mar 9, 2010 | Uncategorized
The definition of evolution is the development of ideas. Our consciousness is the result of ideas generated in our minds. Our spiritual evolution is the unfolding of Christ consciousness into our expression.
More simply stated: As we connect with our Divine Self and stay centered in faith, we continue to evolve and grow. We are more willing to set aside our limiting thoughts and beliefs. As we evolve we become more aware of the spiritual qualities such as Love, Balance, Beauty, Freedom and Abundance.
We are always evolving and growing. However, our commitment to walk our spiritual path accelerates our evolutionary journey. It truly is a blessing.
Bible Reading: Romans8:18-39
Affirmation: “I am one with the ever unfolding, ever increasing Spirit of divine understanding. My whole consciousness is ripening into perfection.” Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore
by Christine Green | Mar 7, 2010 | Uncategorized
Promises to restore youthful appearance, energy and vitality are abundant in our world today. Millions of dollars are spent on lotions, potions and creams to slow down the aging process and keep us looking and feeling youthful.
If you’ve been on the spiritual journey for a while, you know that the process works from the inside out. It’s the clinging emotions on the inside that clogs our energy and vitality. Resentment, anger, victim-thinking saps our energy and keeps us tired and run-down.
The cleansing process starts on the inside with forgiveness, self-love and acceptance. Have you ever noticed that when a problem is solved or an issue resolved you feel lighter like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders? Freedom started on the inside. It changes how we carry ourselves and how we respond to others.
There is only one secret potion that will restore youth, vitality and vigor. It is Love. We already own it, our work is to allow it to be revealed.
Bible Reading: Isaiah 55:1-13
Affirmation: “I have the mind of Christ. My words are spiritually quickened and they are alive forevermore. I am filled with the vitality and vigor and health of Love.” Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore
by Christine Green | Mar 6, 2010 | Uncategorized
I talked with a friend yesterday and she shared about how much she dislikes her job right now. She is working 10 hour days under stressful conditions and has bad dreams at night about her responsibilities. She feels her life is not her own. I remembered times that I felt so trapped.
It takes a lot of soul searching to get through the layers of fear, resentment and frustration. On the other side is our ability to choose and our ability to love. I watched my own reaction as I was feeling resentment running an errand the other day. I stopped my thoughts from spiraling into being a victim and lifted them into love. It changed my feelings and my attitude. It changed how I was seeing life.
Life is precious. Today I choose God’s Life, Love and Grace.
Bible Reading: John 4:1-26
Affirmation: “Through Christ the divine economy is active in me and I conserve the spiritual essences in all phases of my life. “ ” Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore
by Christine Green | Mar 4, 2010 | Uncategorized
When Laurence and I moved into our first home together we had a back yard and garden. I purchased the tools, seeds, fertilizer and planted a vegetable garden. I was so excited about my new garden and worked in it every chance I got. The vegetable shoots started coming up and so did the weeds. There were weeds everywhere and no matter how quickly I pulled them up, they just as quickly returned. I weeded every spare minute until I was exhausted and discouraged.
I’ve watched very similar experiences with clients on their spiritual journey. They are so excited, they commit to lots of time, energy and resources expecting to eliminate old beliefs immediately and permanently. It is easy to get discouraged as we watch the old beliefs resurface again and again.
The practice is working, it just takes time. As with anything new, we learn to balance our enthusiasm and zeal with patience and persistence. We find balance in meditation, prayer and contemplation. It’s necessary to build a foundation of faith for our greater Good to be revealed.
Bible Reading: Luke 10:30-42; 11:1-4
Affirmation: “My zeal is tempered with wisdom, and I maintain a perfect balance within and without.” Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore
by Christine Green | Mar 3, 2010 | Uncategorized
There are principles or laws that are constantly at work in the world around us. We know there is a law of gravity. We can’t see it or feel it but we know without it we would be left floating around the universe. We know gravity is there and we depend on it to keep us grounded.
By being aware of the spiritual laws, we can put our attention on them and use them to our benefit. For example, spiritual principle states ‘Whatever we put our attention on increases.’ If we are not aware of this principle, we might spend time worrying or thinking about the worst case scenario. Instead, by using it to our advantage, we put our attention and energy on what we want rather than what we don’t want.
By putting our attention on the Divine qualities of Love, Peace, Joy, Beauty and Abundance, we attract more of our spiritual nature. As a result we live a more Grace-filled life.
Bible Reading: Galatians6:1-10,16
Affirmation: “My house is set in order and I press forward toward the goal of perfection.” Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore