Spiritual Principle

There are principles or laws that are constantly at work in the world around us. We know there is a law of gravity. We can’t see it or feel it but we know without it we would be left floating around the universe. We know gravity is there and we depend on it to keep us grounded.

By being aware of the spiritual laws, we can put our attention on them and use them to our benefit. For example, spiritual principle states ‘Whatever we put our attention on increases.’ If we are not aware of this principle, we might spend time worrying or thinking about the worst case scenario. Instead, by using it to our advantage, we put our attention and energy on what we want rather than what we don’t want.

By putting our attention on the Divine qualities of Love, Peace, Joy, Beauty and Abundance, we attract more of our spiritual nature. As a result we live a more Grace-filled life.

Bible Reading: Galatians6:1-10,16

Affirmation: “My house is set in order and I press forward toward the goal of perfection.” Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore

I don’t feel like it

Have you made decisions about what to do or what not to do based on how you feel? Ever made plans to attend a meeting or a class and then decided you were just too tired, overwhelmed or overworked and just don’t feel like it anymore?

When we make decisions out of how we feel instead of keeping our commitments, we have broken agreements with ourselves or others. Our word becomes powerless. We become ineffective. Our feelings change moment to moment. They are fleeting. Our word is what counts.

We make many choices throughout the day. Our choice becomes our commitment and becomes our word. When we make choices and stand on our word, the Universe rushes forward to help make our word a reality.

I choose Love. I choose Peace. I choose Joy.
What do you choose?


There is often confusion about what is God’s will for us. I have often heard people say that it is God’s Will for us to suffer. That understanding often comes from the Old Testament where God appeared to be angry, vengeful and mean.

The New Testament shows us God that is loving, generous and gracious. When we listen to our intuition, we are guided to a place of good. When we listen to our fears, we usually spiral into a place of limitation, lack and separation.

God gave us free will. We have the ability to think and choose for ourselves. We have the ability to be free.

Bible Reading: John 1:1=18

Affirmation: “The will of God is uppermost in my consciousness and I am glorified in my understanding.” Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore


Have you seen the movie, Avatar? It is an amazing demonstration of the power of imagination. We can use imagination for creative ideas or images of fear. It starts with being the observer of our thoughts.

Being the observer is not for the tender-hearted. It demands looking within and being willing to surrender. It takes humility, discipline and courage. Is it worth the journey? You bet it is! What is waiting on the other side is the gift of extraordinary freedom.

Bible Reading: Acts 10:9-35

Affirmation: “In the quietness and confidence of Spirit, I see myself as God sees me, His perfect image and likeness.” Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore


We have so much power. Power to choose, think and to act. But most of the time we let it slip away. Our inability to forgive keeps us weak. Our unwillingness to love keeps us feeble.

Our true power comes from God. As we build a relationship with God and deepen in our faith, we are able to take dominion over thoughts and feelings. We are strengthened by God’s Love and empowered by Grace.

Bible Reading: Luke 4:31-44

Affirmation: “All the issues of my life are stirred to action by the quickening Christ power, and I have dominion over my thoughts and my feelings.” Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore