
As we continue on our spiritual journey we appreciate the preciousness of life and all that life has to offer. When we appreciate our true self, we recognize the value of our gift. When we are in a state of appreciation, we have a greater realization of our connection with God.

Our connection with love is our connection with God. As we practice staying present and in the now, we open ourselves to more love, more peace and more joy.

Bible Reading: 1John4:7-21

Affirmation: “God, in His love, fills me with new life. In His name I am cleansed, strengthened and healed.” Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore


Knowledge is having information and a clear understanding. Wisdom is the deeper understanding that guides us into right action. Knowledge is perceived with the mind but wisdom is felt in the heart.

Our connection with God is where we tap into inner Wisdom to guide and direct us on our spiritual journey.

Bible Reading: Matthew 7:1-12

Affirmation: “Christ within me is my glory. The brightness of His presence wipes out all darkness and I am filled with love and light.” Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore


Strength is our willingness to say no, to stay committed and to keep the faith. It is empowering to know strength is already in us, it is our job to accept it and reveal it.

Bible Reading: Matthew 4:1-11

Affirmation: “The joy of the Lord is a wellspring within me, and I am established in divine strength.”


We may spend time organizing, managing, arranging, coordinating and controlling our lives. However, the power to move forward comes from faith. Faith is the deep inner knowing that the next step we take will reveal something greater in our world of affairs.

I noticed how sometimes I will wait for God to give me what I need before I take action. However, just the opposite is needed. I need to take action while walking out my faith. Faith without works is dead.

Faith is the opportunity to move forward and trust that we are moving in the direction we need to go.

Bible Reading: Hebrews11:1-12

Affirmation: “I have faith in the glorious infusion of the more abundant life of Christ vitalizing me. I am lifted up and healed.”


Deborah and I have both observed our resistance to showing up every day for the Lenten practice. Whose idea was this anyway? How many times do we have an idea and then immediately squash it? There’s not enough time, it’s too much trouble, what good will it do.

Today’s reading is about the power of the mind. The mind has power and also anti-power which is resistance. We are empowered when we move through the muck and sludge of resistance and keep going. Spiritual practice is not about practicing for the sake of being good. For me, it is the practice of clearing away the thoughts of I’m not enough, so that the blessing and the promise of God can shine through.

After the reading the lesson today, we both realized that we are not doing this for anyone else. We are coming together in partnership to recognize the Presence of Love in each other and in ourselves. It’s not my work to ‘make’ anyone do anything. It is my ministry and calling to continue to make the invitation to deepen in faith and love.

Whose idea is all this? God’s idea. That’s good enough for me.