
Reading: Matthew 5:1-16
We use today as a day to let go of old beliefs and realize the error belief has no power or reality in itself.

In the spirit of divine love I affirm:
“Forgetting the things that are behind, I realize I am strong, positive, powerful, wise, loving, fearless, free spirit. I am God’s perfect child.”
From Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore

Season of Spiritual Growth

Charles Fillmore, author of Keep a True Lent, calls Lent “a season of spiritual growth, a time for progressive unfoldment.When we can blend and merge our mind with God-Mind, the way is open for the Lord to glorify us and to lift us into a higher, purer, more spiritual state.”

The Church observes Lent as a reminder of the forty days of fasting and prayer that Jesus spent in the wilderness. As a child, I understood Lent to be a time of making sacrifice and giving something up. Usually it centered around giving up candy because that was truly giving up something difficult and was definitely a sacrifice.

Today I understand Lent is an opportunity to abstain from error thinking and to meditate on spiritual truth. I know that as I speak spiritual truth I am building a firm foundation of Love and faith.

I invite you to join me for the daily lessons. Each day I will share Fillmore’s affirmation and bible reading. I accept that the season of growth is a season of love, newness and freedom.

Living in the Void

I was talking to a friend recently and she commented on how positive I was in the midst of Laurence’s health challenges. I got off the phone and thought about her comment. I remember when I not only had a dismal view of life, but also blamed everyone else for my woes. You know that little voice in the back of the brain? Well mine is a graduate of MSU (Making Stuff Up) and excels in anxiety, apprehension and angst.
There are days when I get caught up with taking things personally, feeling left out, experiencing my victim self and blaming myself for whatever is happening in my life. That kind of thinking depletes the energy and joy out of life!
Fortunately, I’ve trained myself not to stay in victim thinking very long. Through the years of practicing on the spiritual path I know I can give myself permission to feel sad, worried or anxious and those feelings will pass. I turn my attention to God and give thanks for the many blessings I have in my life. I examine the events around me and observe my willingness to learn something new about myself. I call my spiritual mentor for support and prayer.
I think the most important part of this work is the willingness to live in the void. To surrender. To acknowledge that I don’t know what is next and I have no control over it. In that moment I allow my human personality (ego) to fall away and let God step in. “I of myself can do nothing. It is the Father within that does the work.”
When I live in the void I allow God’s healing power to take charge. If I can take a moment in the silence, I return to the extraordinary place of peace and harmony. Instead of planning, changing and fixing, I allow myself to just be. God has much greater plans than I can ever imagine. It’s up to me to live in the void long enough to listen and receive.
Blessings to you for a month filled with God’s Goodness and Grace.

Purpose of Money

In our Financial Freedom class tonight we talked about the power of receiving. We all love to give. We experience a sense of great satisfaction when we are able to give to another, whether we take a friend to lunch or make a donation for hurricane relief. We feel that we’ve made a difference.

The key to expanding our wealth is our ability to receive. However, receiving can often activate our self-worthiness issues as well as feelings of guilt. The ability to receive is an important part of the circulation process. Accepting a gift, compliment, favor or helping hand is an opportunity to receive love from another. As we open to receive, we create the foundation for more good to flow into our lives.

Practicing our ability to receive is a great way to expand our sense of self-esteem, compassion and love. The true purpose of money is love. The foundation of our spiritual practice is love. Start practicing!

Living your Purpose

This is a wonderful story from the Kabbalists and a great reminder to us all.

A few hundred years ago there lived an innkeeper. He would always offer
scholars, sages and teachers a clean place to stay and a warm meal to eat.
Later in his life he felt compelled to study spirituality and immerse
himself in meditation and prayer. He gave the inn to his son so he, himself,
could pursue what he thought was a more spiritual life.

His son was more business-minded than charitable, and as time went by, it
became clear that the son was not following in his father’s compassionate

One of the greatest kabbalists of that generation tracked down the old
innkeeper and asked him about the sudden change in management of the inn. The
innkeeper explained, “I’ve taken care of this inn for decades, as my father
did before me. But now, in my old age, I worry about my own spiritual
advancement and wanted to take time to connect with the Creator before my time
is up in this world.”

To that, the kabbalist responded: “When people would come to your inn, you
invited them in, fed them, and gave them a respectable place to rest on
their journey. You made a great effort to see to their comfort and ease.
This, my friend, was your purpose in this world. When you get upstairs no one
will ask you why you didn’t memorize ancient texts or achieve spiritual

“You came into this world to help all of us do our jobs. And because you
allowed us to do our jobs better, you receive all the blessings, energy and
connection to the Creator, from the study and spiritual work that we do.
For you, 100 years of studying will not reveal as much goodness and Light as
one night of care that you gave these sages.”

The innkeeper thanked the kabbalist, and returned to work at the inn. He
cultivated in his son a respect for spirituality, as well as the bottom line.

Each and every one of us has a specific task in this world. If we
accomplish this task we reveal maximum Light for ourselves and the world. It’s not
everyone’s destiny to be a scholar or a spiritual guide. Each person has to
find their spot, their unique piece of the puzzle, where they’re doing and
giving their most.

That’s often in the most ordinary ways, and ordinary places.