by Christine Green | Jun 16, 2009 | Uncategorized
I am writing about discipline today. It is so critical to establish discipline and there is usually so much resistance. One of the reasons I am so grateful for this work is that we are able to look at our resistance and move past it. Until we do that, the belief keeps us stuck in the past. Discipline helps us build excellence.
In the book Execution, author, Ram Charan states “Most often today the difference between a company and its competitor is its ability to execute.” He goes on to say that the key to execution is discipline.
I found these other great quotes:
“The first and best victory is to conquer self.” Plato
“We are what we repeatedly do, excellence then is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle
“Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.” Lao Tzu
“Rule your mind or it will rule you.” Horace
Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. Never excuse yourself. Never pity yourself. Be a hard master to yourself-and be lenient to everybody else.” Henry Ward Beecher
by Christine Green | Jun 8, 2009 | Uncategorized
On Saturday I was with a group of devoted clients who are committed to their spiritual journey. These women courageous, compassionate, devoted and dedicated to moving forward on their spiritual journey.
As I was thinking about these amazing women, I realized once again that the spiritual journey is not for wimps. There are key elements that are important to have:
1. Willingness to observe. Observation is the first step in healing. The ability to observe ourselves, our emotions and behavior is an essential element to grow.
2. Willingness to change. As we grow, we change. It’s not always comfortable or neat and tidy. Just as the butterfly works its way out of the cocoon, we also struggle to let go of old beliefs and thinking and let the newness emerge.
3. Willingness to be humble. The spiritual journey is awe-inspiring. We are humbled by the clarity, truth and wisdom around us as we realize “I, of myself, can do nothing. It is the Father within that does the work.”
I am truly blessed with connect with so many amazing women on the spiritual path.
by Christine Green | Jun 8, 2009 | Uncategorized

I have great news: The Universe has its own Universal Stimulus Recovery Plan (U Sure R Prosperous) which is guaranteed to bring more opportunities, more business and greater peace of mind into the lives of those who participate. There is one catch. It only works when you do.
Universal Law states Whatever you put your attention on increases. Pay attention. You are paying for your attention! It is more important than ever to put your attention on the things that are working in your life instead of the things that are not working. If you think business is shrinking, then you will probably say business is shrinking and you will feel that business is shrinking. Guess what, in your universe, business has declined, dwindled and diminished!
But it's not too late to turn things around. You may have already experienced some financial hardship and had to make some serious lifestyle changes. Don't despair. Begin right where you are and put your attention on the things you are grateful for. Be grateful for new ideas, new opportunities, new relationships. Even the smallest seed of gratitude will grow and expand into possibilities you could never have imagined.
Reach out and help someone else in need. A sense of expansion happens when we stop thinking about ourselves and extend a helping hand to another. The good deeds and efforts that you share with others will come back to you multiplied.
In summary, to participate in the USRP you must pay attention to the good stuff happening in your life, write down the things you are grateful for on a daily basis and do a good deed for someone else. Refocus your attention on the Good Stuff in life. You will reap the benefits of the great things you sow into your universe. This stimulus plan works when you put it to work. Participate and see for yourself!
by Christine Green | Jun 2, 2009 | Uncategorized
I am grateful to be part of an awesome women’s group called Portlandia. Our mission is to provide a compassionate community where women can connect, collaborate and contribute back to the community.
We have social activities, networking events and engage in many philanthropic projects. We are partners with Dress for Success, Portland Community College, Oregon Tradeswomen, the Girl Scouts and the Community Transitional School.
If you want to connect with a group of dynamic, talented and caring women, register for our networking event in June or join us for lunch in July.
by Christine Green | Jun 2, 2009 | Uncategorized
While in Reno visiting a friend we went to see Menopause the Musical. What a hilarious show! It is an amazing performance that transforms painful and uncomfortable life issues into side-splitting lyrics and music that makes us laugh at ourselves. (I love ‘my personal summer is a real bummer.’)
I came away with three revelations:
1. If you can’t change the circumstances, find the humor in them.
It might be changes in our bodies, family illness or just an obnoxious co-worker. Sometimes we may find ourselves in situations where we can’t change the circumstances or conditions. The only thing we can do is to find the humor in the situation.
2. My body may change but our spiritual essence never changes.
The dreams and wishes we had as children still hold a place in our hearts. It is so important to take the time to nurture the inner child and find time to play!
3. Be kind to each other.
We are so hard on ourselves, demanding the best in all situations. Resist the urge to nag, criticize and badger the women in your life. Instead find a way to remind them that they are remarkable, talented, fabulous, creative, beautiful beings and are deeply appreciated.
Consider yourself reminded that You are Awesome!