Easter Blessings

I was watching an OPB special about Jerusalem today and once again felt extraordinary gratitude for the opportunity to visit there in February. The sacredness of the city, the richness of its history and the holiness of the revered sites have opened my heart in a most amazing way.

Blessings for a most holy and sacred Easter. May the sacredness of this day continue to shower love and joy on you and your loved ones.

Ask Amy

I just returned from Voices lecture series and heard Amy Dickinson of the “Ask Amy” column. She was a warm, humorous and sensitive speaker. A joy to listen to. Her stories about growing up in a small town in upstate NY are priceless. And it was moving to hear her talk about the women in her family that influenced her life and helped shape her values.

She wrote The Mighty Queens of Freeville: A Mother, A Daughter and the Town That Raised Them. I am looking forward to reading it.

It was great to laugh tonight. It was great to hear someone’s humorous portrayal about the ups and downs of life.

Accepting Happiness

When Michael J Fox was interviewed on Oprah last week he shared his observation, ” Happiness grows in direct proportion to your acceptance of your condition and inverse proportion to your expectation.” Powerful words to live by.

More lessons!

It’s all about attachment. When talking with a client this week, she had the realization that in living a faith-based life, the difference between expectancy and expectation is attachment. Expectancy is about looking for the good in life while expectation is often hoping that what we want will show up. Hoping is about waiting while faith encourages patience.

Another way of saying it is that expectation comes from the mind and expectancy comes from the soul. If I let go of attachment, I open up the realm of opportunity. The more attached I am, the more restricted life seems to be.

I think this is one of the more difficult life lessons. I have not been feeling well since I got back from Israel. My expectation is that this virus should be over by now. So every day it is not better, I become more impatient. If I choose to have an expectancy of feeling better, I am not attached to time line or conditions but maybe would appreciate the opportunity to slowdown. That would be much easier than listening to all the whining going on. Now if I will only listen to my own advice…

Good News

A day after my blog about the news, I heard that NBC heard from so many people about negative stories that they are airing Making a Difference that will highlight positive stories from listeners. Great news!

Also I came across a blog from The Huffington Post about visualization. It’s a great reminder that we have the power visualize what we want and to stop visualizing all the stuff we don’t want to happen.