by Christine Green | Jan 4, 2009 | Uncategorized

A client wants to be more connected to her spiritual practice but she can’t seem to do what it takes to get her practice done. Is it motivation, resistance or fear?
I’ve talked with dozens of people that want something new in life but cannot move forward. They don’t seem to be able to take the steps needed.
Then we suffer. We get upset with ourselves because we haven’t done what we want or achieved the results we want. We judge, criticize, berate and just plain make ourselves wrong. We live in pain.
There is a Japanese technique of achieving great and lasting success through taking small, steady steps called The Kaizen Way. When we achieve one small step, we experience accomplishment! Then take another and another. Each step brings us to the direction we desire.
How do we stop judging ourselves? It takes practice. My favorite technique is to say “That’s interesting’ no matter what happens. I’m still practicing….
by Christine Green | Dec 22, 2008 | Uncategorized

I miss my friend Marie. She passed away on October 31st this year. She was such a loving soul, always calling to check in to see how we were doing and what we were up to. We spent many of our holidays with her (center of photo) and with her sister Martha. Marie loved life, photography, hiking, flowers and was deeply loyal to her friends. When she found out she had cancer earlier this year, she chose not to fight it. She wanted to spend her time with family and friends and trust the process of release.
I know you are free now Marie. I cherish the fond memories and your deep love. You continue to be a blessing.
by Christine Green | Dec 19, 2008 | Uncategorized
I read about a study done at UCLA that suggests that women respond to stress with a cascade of brain chemicals that cause us to make and maintain friendships with other women. Women have known this all along but it was interesting to learn that researchers left out women when performing their studies on stress. Now they have learned that women respond to stress so much differently than men.
I believe that we are so much more powerful when we support each other. I am so grateful for all the wonderful, powerful, amazing women in my life!
by Christine Green | Dec 16, 2008 | Uncategorized

Growing up in upstate New York, I would become quite upset when winter storms showed up and disrupted my plans. I took it personally that I couldn’t get out or do the things I wanted.
It is very beautiful around our house today. Watching the snow fall and feeling a sense of non-attachment to it, is truly a blessing. It allows me to be in the moment and not stress over having to do anything. I can just be. What a powerful practice of peace.
by Christine Green | Dec 4, 2008 | Uncategorized

Have you heard the phrase rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic? It means we are spending so much time arranging and re-arranging our outward conditions while we are slowing sinking into the abyss of unrecognized fear and outdated beliefs. It happens when we are attempting to ‘fix’ what isn’t working. Some time ago I worked with a client that was having trouble in her marriage. Rather than seek counseling or face the truth about their relationship, they went on vacation in Italy, racking up a great deal of debt, physically and emotionally.
It is difficult to stabilize on unstable territory. Eventually, we have to go into the dark to do the deep work and face the fears and beliefs that are holding us back.
I see this happening frequently in today’s economy. There is a reason for the shake-up. The Universe is giving us the opportunity to empty down to the core to find the real truth for ourselves.
Eric Butterworth says, “There is only one way by which you can achieve prosperity. It is to take charge of your mind. You may be looking for some magic formula, some new metaphysical cliché’ that will change things. But if you want to change our life, you will have to alter your thoughts.”
I believe in order to alter our thoughts we have to get to the core of what we believe. Doing our inner work will remarkable change our outer circumstances.