I am Willing to Receive

I talked with a friend the other day that just had major surgery. A challenging part of healing is to receive care from her husband. He has been taking care of her and making sure she is comfortable. On the surface, it seems like a no-brainer. Of course he should take care of her. But when you are used to being the person caring for everyone else, it becomes a challenge.

I had that experience last week when I visited my friend at the coast. I found it difficult to have her prepare our meals and clean up. It took a lot of energy to sit still and not help.

Receiving is a spiritual practice and prepares us for receiving even more of God’s blessings.

I am Grateful

I am grateful for the ability and freedom to write, for extraordinary courageous and handsome husband Laurence, for my family and friends, for my spiritual mentor and spiritual teachers, for my amazing clients and their willingness to show up,for our new President and his family, for my spiritual journey and connection with God’s Grace. I am so grateful God is so gracious.

Letting Go

A client recently shared that she realized she was hanging on to old hurts. It’s so hard to let those go. I was talking with a friend over the weekend and realized I still was holding on to hurt feelings from another friend. Hanging on to old pain just multiplies the pain. I heard myself tell the story AGAIN of what she said. This time it was the last. I decided in that moment I don’t want to repeat this story any longer. I accept as I let go of this old hurt just as I watch this tree outside my window let go of its leaves. I make room for newness in my life. I am grateful for my spiritual path and the practices along the way.

Rejuvenate and restore

I went to the coast to visit a friend over the weekend. I forgot what it is like to take the time to rest, relax and rejuvenate. Life is so full. It takes commitment to schedule time away from all the activity of life. I plan to make it a regular practice…

Don’t worry–just pray

I’ve talked with so many people that have voiced their excitement about our new president. In the next breath, they whisper ‘I hope he’ll be ok.’

We all worry. I have trained myself (ok, I am still training myself) to visualize what I want instead of what I don’t want. One way that helps is the Prayer of Protection. Rather than seeing all the bad stuff that can happen, this prayer allows us to send light and love. Try it. Let me know what you think.

The light of God surrounds you,
The love of God enfolds you,
The power of God protects you,
The presence of God watches over you.
Wherever you are, God is.