“When you get into the consciousness of the flow of the creative process within you, there will be a constant inner-direction in your life, leading to a deep sense of meaning…” Eric Butterworth, In The Flow Of Life
Some days, I am more efficient at catching my thoughts moving in a downward spiral. I was working on a project recently and realized I was thinking there was not enough time, energy or resources to complete it. I felt my stamina fade and my brain start to shut down.
It is important to catch thoughts of limitation quickly before they have time to take hold. Thoughts that spiral down are similar to a runaway car speeding down the hill. If we let them go, they will run away with our imagination and make up all kinds of stories of worry and fear.
The practice is to stop the limited thought quickly and realign ourselves to the universal flow of life.
These affirmations from In The Flow Of Life by Eric Butterworth lift me out of limitation and energize me back into the flow.
Be still and know…I am in the flow.
I move forward in the flow of life; unhurried and unworried.
I am in the flow of life, and I move easily with the flow. I am radiantly and enthusiastically alive.
I am free from tension, stress, and strain. I go forward in the flow of life—unhurried and unworried.
I am a child of the universe, established eternally in the healing stream. I am strengthened, renewed, restored, and made whole in every way.
I know my responsibility is to see with the eyes of love.
I am in the flow of life, and I relate easily and lovingly, patiently and understandingly with all persons.
I go forth in the joyous certainty that whatever person or situation may come to me this day, it will be good, for I will be in the flow of good. And if I should have even a fleeting moment of concern, I will simply let go…and let flow.
I accept the reality of this situation, but not its permanence. I know that this, too, shall pass away.
Copy these into your phone or print this page and keep it nearby. Use them as reminders of being in the flow.
“Those who are awake live in a constant state of amazement.” – Jack Kornfield
“How do I know if my inspirations are coming from God from my own thought?” A client asked me this great question recently.
There is a point of surrender on our spiritual journey where we know that the essence of who we are is much greater than the flesh body and more immense than our limiting thinking. When we connect with the infinite presence of God we know there is but one power, one presence, one life. We are not separate from God’s Presence but one with it.
We know that all activity, ideas, opportunities, come from this creative Source. One way to deepen this experience is the practice of gratitude. Every time we give thanks for something good, we acknowledge our greater connection with God.
There is no magic to trusting our intuition. It is a continual practice to listen to insights that we have. One of the reason’s why the time we spend in silence is so precious. Intuition comes as a whisper and a quiet presence.
I invite you to use this attunement from The Book of Love and Creation by Paul Selig:
I am choosing to live my life in accordance with my higher knowing. And I am aware that all that is before me is created in conscious choice in alignment with my Creator. As I move forward, I change my knowing to align into congruence with Divine Will and with my own requirements for my freedom. I am Word through this intention to stand in my freedom. Word I am Word.
As we develop inner awareness, we are able to discern the difference between the ego wanting attention or the whisper of Divine Wisdom. As we deepen in our practice, we trust the inspirations of the heart.
Affirm: I am grateful for Divine Wisdom guiding me each day.
“It is literally impossible to be a woman. You are so beautiful, and so smart, and it kills me that you don’t think you’re good enough. Like, we have to always be extraordinary, but somehow we’re always doing it wrong. – Barbie, The Movie
This is an except of an amazing monologue delivered by actress America Ferrera in the Barbie movie. We have all felt, on occasion, like we are doing it wrong. We have all struggled with the belief in not being enough.
Our worthiness may seem elusive if we look for validation from the outside world. Worthiness is not based on your financial portfolio, career achievement, or the car you drive. Worthiness is an inside job and a conscious connection we make knowing we are an extension of the creative energy of life itself. We are loved unconditionally just as we are.
Making that connection with worthiness lifts us into a sense of well-being. We have an inner knowing that each aspect of self— spirit, mind, body and emotions— is an intricate part of our wholeness. We have an awareness of this holistic nature and have an appreciation of how it all works together for our highest good.
This deep appreciation lifts us into the powerful presence of love. Love opens us to Infinite Wisdom available to us at every moment. Divine Wisdom is the creative spark, inspiration, illumination that shows up just when we need it. It can appear as needed information, project support revealed or simply a connection from a friend. Wisdom is inner knowing that all is well.
Yet this can all feel elusive when we are stressed, worried and hurried in life’s busy world. It takes conscious effort to stop, listen, and allow ourselves to be nurtured and nourished.
Take time to step away from your calendar, computer and commitments. Schedule a time and place where you can renew and replenish. Hone your spiritual practice in on your sacredness. Celebrate your Oneness with the Divine.
You are worthy and powerful. You are amazing. You are loved.
P.S. Please consider joining us October 22-25, 2023 at our Wisdom of the Heart Women’s Retreat at Alton Collins Retreat Center in Eagle Creek, OR. Our all-inclusive retreat is exactly what you are looking for. Click here for details.
“The only reason man is limited is that he has not allowed the Divine within him to more completely express.” – Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind
Imagine what it would be like during those 3 a.m. wake up sessions to think about a world of possibilities instead of thoughts of fear and dread. Can you imagine letting go of the worries of tomorrow and focus on the infinite possibilities that await us?
What would the world would be like if we took dominion of our thinking and focused on what we want instead of what we don’t want? Can you begin to imagine what it would be like if we lived life from a daily place of gratitude and appreciation?
Our problems won’t magically disappear. But shifting our thinking to what we want will calm the mind, release the stress in our bodies and give us a new outlook. We create new neural pathways in the brain and we are open to new possibilities.
Joe Dispenza states, “Spend time, contemplating who you want to be. The mere process of contemplating who you want to be, begins to change your brain.”
Change your thinking, change your life and imagine what the world could be.
“Cause every night I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it’s gonna take
Oh a million dreams for the world we’re gonna make.”
– A Million Dreams from The Greatest Showman
Affirmation: I am willing to change my thinking and imagine an amazing world.