Pray the Devil Back to Hell

I read an amazing article in O Magazine (Dec) about a documentary about a group of ordinary Liberian women who managed to stop the country’s 14-year civil war. Pray the Devil Back to Hell tells the story of Gbowee, a mother of five, who realized the war kept her children in poverty their entire lives. She took action with street marches and prayer vigils and created a movement that stopped the civil war.

What an extraordinary example of what we can do and how every action can make a difference in the world. When I have the listing of when the movie will be back in Portland, I will let you know.

Heard Lee Woodruff (wife of Bob Woodruff ABC news co-anchor) speak at Voices the other night. What an inspiring story!! She said three things that are important to not to say to a caregiver in the middle of crisis:
Don’t say ‘Call Me’ – pray instead
Don’t say What do you need – just find out from another friend and do it.
Don’t say You have sure been through a lot this year – they don’t need a reminder.

She shared an amazing story of love, devotion and faith.

The Next Day

What was it like to wake up on Nov 5. Sorry Sasha and Malia, I can’t play with you today. I have a new job I have to prepare for. I’m the new President of the United States.

Never before have I wondered about the incoming president. I certainly didn’t care what George Bush was thinking or doing. He wasn’t available or even real to me. Obama is real. What he does matters. How is family is doing is important.
Barak Obama opened the hearts of the world. I listened to BBC radio as listeners called in from around the world to celebrate the new president. I cried as I listened. The news journalist asked the man from Kenya, why is Obama becoming president so important to you. He is not president of your country. The man from Kenya replied, “He is setting the example for all the leaders of the world. They have to pay attention now.”

Less than 24 hours after he was elected, people were wondering how he was going to deal with all the issues facing him. What they don’t realize is that he lives in the realm of possibilities. He knows that there are all kinds of options and opportunities available. He knows that principle is not bound by precedent. When we live in the realm of universal principle, we’re not bound by solutions of the past. Anything is possible. I am grateful for the new world we live in.

Class: Revealing the Spirit of Christmas

Do you ever feel like the true meaning of Christmas has all but disappeared?

Christmas is about being guided and directed by Spirit. It is about lives having greater meaning, about generosity, about giving way to a higher idea. Christmas is about love and loyalty, about finding safety in a chaotic time and about revealing wisdom.

We do not give birth to our awareness of Divinity in the hustle and bustle of the commercial world, or the noise of our everyday life. This class is an opportunity to get away from the busy time of the holidays and makes a way for an uplift of our consciousness.

The purpose of this class is to move beyond the stress-filled experience of the holidays into an enlightened awareness of the mystical message of Christmas. Please join us for a peaceful and sacred day!

Date: Saturday, December 6, 2008
Time: 10 a.m – 4 p.m.
Fee: $45 includes materials and lunch
Location: NE Portland

Prayer of Protection

I often have requests for this prayer. It is easy-to-remember prayer to use for yourself, a loved one, when traveling or when an issue is persistently nagging at you.

The light of God surrounds you,
The love of God enfolds you,
The power of God protects you,
The presence of God watches over you.
Wherever you are, God is.
And all is well. Amen.