
Being nice is often a cover-up for what we really feel about ourselves. We want to be loved, acknowledged, appreciated, treasured and cherished. But when that little voice inside tells us that we are unworthy, we change into our superwoman gear and attempt to show the world that we are nice, capable, reliable, and dependable. Trying so hard to appease others, we tend to neglect our own goals and dreams.

It is possible to give without giving up balance, to ask for what we want without sacrificing harmony, and to be good without depleting our self-worth. Setting boundaries, nurturing ourselves, learning to speak up help us maintain balance and strengthen our worthiness. 

Nurturing ourselves does not mean we are being selfish or narcissistic. Nurturing serves to renew and revitalize. As we nurture and take care of ourselves we expand our spiritual connection, which allows us to deepen our faith and trust our experience in the world.

Wise words from Buddha, “You yourself, as much as anyone in the entire universe, deserve your affection and love.” Be nice to you!