Empowered Ideas
Ideas are like unlimited of points of energy floating around the universe that we can’t see or feel. All too often, we have an idea and we simply let it evaporate. When our mental atmosphere is filled with ‘I can’t,’ I don’t have time,’ or ‘I don’t know what to do,’...
It Does a Body Good
A new swimming pool opened in my home town when I was around 10 years old and my parents enrolled me in swimming classes. As I made progress, I was moved into the advanced group at the deep end of the pool. We lined up and one by one had to swim across. When it was my...
For the Love of Grief
When my husband Laurence was fighting cancer, I prayed that he would outlive my parents. I couldn’t imagine going through losing them without his strong shoulders to lean on. Laurence passed away two years ago. My Mom made her transition this past June. My experience...
Gracious Giving
For many, gift giving has become conditional and compensatory in our society. Should I give one, how much should it cost, what if I receive a gift and I did not give one in return, what is someone else’s gift is better than mine!! Yikes! We begin by looking at...
Where ever I go, There I am
A friend recently told me she left her job because she didn’t like the people she worked with. I remember a time when left a job for the same reason. The funny thing was, when I went to the next job I ran into the same ‘type’ of people. Whatever mannerisms or behavior...
I Choose Love
Have you made decisions about what to do or what not to do based on how you feel? Ever made plans to attend a meeting or a class and then decided you were just too tired, overwhelmed or overworked and just don't feel like it anymore? When we make decisions out of how...
Prayer for My Country
When I find the constant drone of the media exhausting and the political divisiveness irritating, I know there's only one place left to go. To prayer. Ernest Holmes says it best. My Prayer for My Country by Ernest Holmes Believing in the Divine destiny of the United...
Ask Without the Guilt
Is it ok to ask for what you want without feeling guilty? Yes, if you understand the Law of Receptivity: Whatever I give out graciously, comes back to me multiplied. Usually guilt crops up if we've been afraid to give because we believe there's not enough. Then we are...
Practicing Forgiveness
I've been working with forgiveness for the past few weeks. Mother Theresa said, “If we really want to love, we must learn how to forgive.” I noticed how limited I am when I am feeling separate from others. It is easier to forgive when I learn to reflect and not react....
Commit to Love
Have you ever noticed when you commit to being more loving in your life, your mouth speaks unkind words or your brain thinks angry thoughts? You’re not crazy. It’s all part of the healing process. Whenever we declare our highest intention, everything unlike that comes...