The Gift of Gratitude
Gratitude acknowledges that we have received the gift that is being given, whether it is a compliment or an act of kindness. Gratitude puts us into a humbled state of appreciation. It connects us with God.
Secret to a Youthful Appearance
There is only one secret potion that will restore youth, vitality and vigor. It is Love. We already own it, our work is to allow it to be revealed.
Are We There Yet?
Faith happens when we appreciate each day as a treasure and every experience as a gift. May your days be filled with patience, faith and a sense of peace that you are doing exactly the right task, at the right time, with the perfect outcome
The Voice
Have you listened to the voice lately? No, not the TV show with the amazing singers. I mean the voice in the back of the mind. Some days it reminds me of being in a car with a back seat driver who is constantly nagging, criticizing and itemizing all the things I’ve...
Back to the Basics
Things we take so much for granted are enormous tasks when dealing with an illness. Often after a serious illness the patient has to regain their strength. The simple things we take for granted like eating, walking and getting to the bathroom can be overwhelming for...
Everyone is Conspiring
Experiences from the past about money stay with us for a very long time! When I owned my first car I needed to buy a new battery. I told my Dad I was going to take my car to the garage in the neighborhood. “Oh no, don’t do that,” declared my Dad. “He will take...
Empowered Ideas
Ideas are like unlimited of points of energy floating around the universe that we can’t see or feel. All too often, we have an idea and we simply let it evaporate. When our mental atmosphere is filled with ‘I can’t,’ I don’t have time,’ or ‘I don’t know what to do,’...
It Does a Body Good
A new swimming pool opened in my home town when I was around 10 years old and my parents enrolled me in swimming classes. As I made progress, I was moved into the advanced group at the deep end of the pool. We lined up and one by one had to swim across. When it was my...
For the Love of Grief
When my husband Laurence was fighting cancer, I prayed that he would outlive my parents. I couldn’t imagine going through losing them without his strong shoulders to lean on. Laurence passed away two years ago. My Mom made her transition this past June. My experience...
Gracious Giving
For many, gift giving has become conditional and compensatory in our society. Should I give one, how much should it cost, what if I receive a gift and I did not give one in return, what is someone else’s gift is better than mine!! Yikes! We begin by looking at...