Sounds of Silence
I was in a meditation class in a busy downtown area. The window was open and all I could hear was the busy traffic. The instructor was talking about quieting the mind and all I could hear was the busy traffic. She said find a place of peace and all I could hear was...
A Life of Faith
My aunt, Sister Mary Jeanette, celebrated her 95th birthday last week. I so admire her courage, commitment and strength. Her life is a story of faith. When Sister Jeanette was a teenager, she heard the inner call to enter the convent. When she told her parents...
Patience, Grasshopper
I was talking with a friend over the weekend and she was sharing about her new job and new home. She was very grateful for this sudden turn around in her life. I reminded her that this was similar to when people say that an actor or actress was an...
Piercing the Fog
Life can be so intense these days. We have instant news from around the world that is up close and personal. Dealing with all of it can sometimes leave feeling like we are moving through a fog: a little unclear what step to take next and most uncertain about what is...
The Grace of God
My sister, who lives in upstate NY, shared last week that she worked from home during a snow storm. She looked out her window late in the afternoon and saw 6 to 8 inches of snow on the back deck. She went out to the garage to get the snow blower out and as she got to...
Celebrate Yourself
Self-judgment is a particularly painful pastime for women. We judge ourselves with outdated tapes and messages. The inner critic is constantly badgering us with should and have to. Not to mention the frequent reminders: You can’t have what you want. You’re...
Gift of Listening
We discussed the power of listening in our recent caregivers class. Very often we think we are listening but the mind is wandering to other topics. This is very prevalent today in our multi-tasking society. We may be on the phone with someone, but responding to...
Celebrating Ourselves
How easy it is to give up our power. We are often afraid to ask for what we want and often end up becoming a doormat for others. We give away our time, money, energy and ideas because we believe we are not good enough to hold on to them. It is so important honor our...
Stepping into the Void
I was speaking to a group recently and I was asked about the process to develop faith. I wish there was a five-step technique. Or a ten-week practice. Or a three-tiered approach. There is no such thing. I have such a clear image of the Indiana Jones movie where...
Comparison can be hazardous to your health
As women we are trained to compare ourselves to magazines, advertising, friends, co-workers, family members. We feel inadequate and insecure as we measure ourselves against the accomplishments and goals of others. It seems that there is a new place of comparison for...