If Only
I judged someone recently. I thought she wasn't doing what she agreed to do and so I emailed and told her what I thought. She called and graciously thanked me for checking in on her. She told me her grandfather became very ill and she had to take him to the hospital....
We have the Power
Each of us is a walking field of energy made up of our thoughts, feelings and ideas. We have the power to shift the energy in our lives. Instead of worrying and stressing and paying attention to the news, take the time to refocus your energy with these three Universal...
Love is Victorious
It's so easy to focus on not being enough. If we were a little bit smarter, worked a little harder, extended ourselves a little farther, then we would be enough. Not true. As long as we think there is something more to do or be or have, we live in lack. When we accept...
[youtube=] Watch this! A great synopsis of Dan Pink's latest book, Drive. The reality of motivation according to science. Spiritual leaders have been teaching this all along. As we develop our...
Prayer for our Country
I was visiting family back east recently and listened to them worry and stress about the national debt and the political discussions in Washington. It's so easy to feel helpless and hopeless about the situation. Then I remembered the Prayer for our Country. We may not...
Today’s Wisdom
Give up attachment, there is great power in letting go. Forgive…don’t hang on to resentment. Remember that God is the only source of all Good. From Catherine Ponder, Dare to Prosper: I fully and freely forgive. I loose and let go.I cast all judgments, resentments,...
Who Cares?
I've been writing about caregiving the past few months and reflected on the powerful examples in my family. Years ago my grandparents emigrated from Poland to the United States in search of a better life for their families. My Dad was one of the oldest of twelve...
Remember Me
This July 4th weekend we celebrate freedom. This video reminds us of all we have to be grateful for. ------------------ A 15 year old girl made this. This puts to shame the output of a number of Hollywood producers and/or directors. All I can say is WOW!!!!!!! This...
Doubt, fear, indecision, worry...that negative chatter can drive us crazy. Watch this video!! Bob Newhart has the answer! [youtube=]
Developing Faith
In our class we are exploring how to live a faith-based life. There is no right or wrong way to develop faith. We build faith in ourselves when we are willing to step out of our comfort zone. Every time we step out we become more confident, have more clarity....