There are principles or laws that are constantly at work in the world around us. We know there is a law of gravity. We can't see it or feel it but we know without it we would be left floating around the universe. We know gravity is there and we depend on it to keep us...
Easter Blessings
The spiritual significance of Easter is our awakening into Christ Consciousness. We have died to the old and are resurrected in the new. We live in faith, love and grace. When we live in the awareness of God's love, we live in grace. We know that challenges and...
Dark Night of the Soul
There comes a time during our spiritual journey where we have done our painful inner work of releasing and forgiveness but have not yet seen any change or benefit in the outside world. The experience is like a black hole or empty void. Depression, frustration and...
Good Friday
One of my most powerful experiences in Jerusalem was the opportunity to walk the Stations of the Cross commemorating Jesus’ final hours before his crucifixion. It is called the “Via Dolorosa” or the “Sorrowful Way.” It begins at the Convent of St Anne and winds...
Power Struggle
Have you ever noticed that the moment you decide to move forward toward a goal that the negative gremlins show up? They are extremely productive in spewing doubt, fear and criticism. Now an all out battle rages between the enthusiasm of a goal and the emotions of...
Holy Communion
When I was preparing to receive my First Communion in the Catholic Church, we were sternly instructed not to chew the communion wafer. Now to a seven year old there are two challenges to that rule. The temptation to bite the wafer to discover if anything horrific...
The Emerging Spirituality
The war on drugs, the war on terror, the war on poverty. We are pretty much in agreement with what we are against in life. That part is easy. The important aspect to spirituality is to identify is what we stand for and what we believe in. We begin by recognizing that...
Presence of Peace
Today is the day we remember the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, exactly one week before His resurrection. People gathered around and laid palm branches before him welcoming him into the city. Jerusalem represents the abiding presence of peace. We recognize...
Faith + Love = Transformation
One of the miracles Jesus performed early in his life was transforming water into wine at the wedding feast in Cana. It was a very simple act of love fueled by his unwavering faith. The result was unmistakable grace. We have an opportunity every day to transform our...
Transfiguration of thoughts
I was in awe watching the Olympic athletes this year and their commitment to train day after day, week after week, year after year. I was amazed by their persistence to keep going no matter what obstacles came their way. I respected their courage to continue even...