
Prayers for Peace and Freedom
The new media can be our over-active nervous system–if we let it. Turn away from the outside world and speak words of truth, of what you claim for yourself and your country.

A Transformative Time
Every day was filled with wisdom and tools to take home. And the music was awesome!

The Power of Your Word
Our words are adding to the vibration of humanity. Let’s make them count.

Thank you for your Grace
Georgena was a loving mother, an awesome sister, an amazing friend, a loyal confidant – just a few of the roles she held in this life.

Be a Blessing
Something powerful happens when we move from the place of needing to get something to being willing to give.

One Step at a Time
Watching her persistence and determination was a reminder of the importance of staying focused and take one step at a time.

I am deeply grateful to serve as a spiritual mentor. My heart fills with joy to watch my clients grow and blossom on their spiritual journey.

Bless My Body Temple
I acknowledge my flexibility, strength and energy—even on those days where it feels like I don’t have any.

Managing Anxiety
When we engage in spiritual practices, we are empowered to free ourselves from anxiety, worry and fear.

Vibrating Vitality
When we tap into vitality we are tapping into our connection with the divine and vibrate the life force energy.