
Development of ideas

The definition of evolution is the development of ideas. Our consciousness is the result of ideas generated in our minds. Our spiritual evolution is the unfolding of Christ consciousness into our expression. More simply stated: As we connect with our Divine Self and...

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Promises to restore youthful appearance, energy and vitality are abundant in our world today. Millions of dollars are spent on lotions, potions and creams to slow down the aging process and keep us looking and feeling youthful. If you’ve been on the spiritual journey...

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I talked with a friend yesterday and she shared about how much she dislikes her job right now. She is working 10 hour days under stressful conditions and has bad dreams at night about her responsibilities. She feels her life is not her own. I remembered times that I...

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When Laurence and I moved into our first home together we had a back yard and garden. I purchased the tools, seeds, fertilizer and planted a vegetable garden. I was so excited about my new garden and worked in it every chance I got. The vegetable shoots started coming...

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Spiritual Principle

There are principles or laws that are constantly at work in the world around us. We know there is a law of gravity. We can't see it or feel it but we know without it we would be left floating around the universe. We know gravity is there and we depend on it to keep us...

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I don’t feel like it

Have you made decisions about what to do or what not to do based on how you feel? Ever made plans to attend a meeting or a class and then decided you were just too tired, overwhelmed or overworked and just don't feel like it anymore? When we make decisions out of how...

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There is often confusion about what is God's will for us. I have often heard people say that it is God's Will for us to suffer. That understanding often comes from the Old Testament where God appeared to be angry, vengeful and mean. The New Testament shows us God that...

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Have you seen the movie, Avatar? It is an amazing demonstration of the power of imagination. We can use imagination for creative ideas or images of fear. It starts with being the observer of our thoughts. Being the observer is not for the tender-hearted. It demands...

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We have so much power. Power to choose, think and to act. But most of the time we let it slip away. Our inability to forgive keeps us weak. Our unwillingness to love keeps us feeble. Our true power comes from God. As we build a relationship with God and deepen in our...

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As we continue on our spiritual journey we appreciate the preciousness of life and all that life has to offer. When we appreciate our true self, we recognize the value of our gift. When we are in a state of appreciation, we have a greater realization of our connection...

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