
The Power Within
We are often attached to the results in the outside world. However, our true power lies within, where we make a connection to the Divine.

The Soul’s Joy
Walking in the garden, smelling the sweet fragrant flowers, feeling enchanted by a hummingbird. These are places that bring joy to my soul.

Worthiness, Well-being and Wisdom
When our worthiness is in alignment with our sense of well-being we feel a deep appreciation which lifts us into the powerful presence of love.

The Reflective Path of Peace
Dr. Wayne Dyer stated it best, “How do you get world peace? You get world peace through inner peace. If you’ve got a world full of people who have inner peace, then you have a peaceful world.”

Vibrating Vitality
Vitality Is defined an exuberance; living with purpose. When we practice letting go and opening the heart to greater love, we naturally feel more enthusiasm and vitality for life.

National Day of Prayer
Imagine instead that we took dominion of our thinking. Imagine if we claimed the highest and greatest good for ourselves and humanity. That my friend is the true power of prayer.

Prayer for My Country
I am often overwhelmed with the conflicts and issues around the election. I am grateful for this prayer from Ernest.

Sacred Sanctuary
Today my experience of sanctuary is anywhere I feel connection with the Divine. In the forest, at the beach, or out to dinner with friends.

A World of Possibilities
Imagine what it would be like during those 3 a.m. wake up sessions to think about a world of possibilities instead of thoughts of fear and dread. Can you imagine letting go of the worries of tomorrow and focus on the infinite possibilities that await us?

Butterflies Needed
“Without butterflies the world would soon have few flowers.” Trina Paulus Hope for the Flowers Each one of us has unique skills, talents and abilities. Yet we often compare ourselves to others and may find ourselves feeling the need to compete. Competing out of fear...