I Can See Clearly Now
“If confusion comes, take your intellect and dive deep into your pool of peace. Through an act of faith open your eyes and you will see there is no confusion.” Ernest Holmes, This Thing Called You I was visiting friends on the Oregon coast and I walked a few blocks...
Expansion of Life
“The purpose of life is the expansion of happiness.” Deepak Chopra Expansion of Life is the fourth step of exploring the frequency of love. Letting go Opening the heart Vibrating vitality Expansion of life When we are able to let go, open the heart, tap into...
Opening the Heart
“Heart opening is a conscious act of participation in healing the self and others. It is an act of creative engagement with the spiritual ascension of humanity.” James O’Dea Opening the Heart is the second step of exploring the frequency of love. Letting go ...
Frequency of Love
“Love is not a feeling. Love overrides feelings because it is an expression, an active expression of the divine operating as and through you. So as you align to the frequency of love, you call to you love.” Paul Selig Love means many things to many people. If we see...
Vibration of Love
When we are grateful we send out a vibration of love. That vibration benefits us and raises the vibration of the planet.
Shifting Focus
We can shift feelings and experiences when we invoke the healing power of love.
You Make A Difference
It is normal to want to feel that our life has purpose and that there is a reason for being on earth.
Supply Chain Redefined
We have an opportunity to not contribute to the mental and emotional fear. We have the freedom to speak words of faith.
Nurturing the Soul
This time of year we tend to shift our attention inward to contemplation and learning. It is a time of nurturing the soul.
The New Normal
During this time of change and uncertainty it can be difficult to trust externally. Being in the flow allows you to trust internally.