Conscious Prosperity
All good comes from God. It may come to us through a company, person, opportunity. But the source is God.
Necessity of Faith
As we develop faith we expand our awareness and realize we don’t have to walk the path alone. A necessary step in our spiritual growth is to practice placing faith in trust in God.
The Perfect Time for Love
This is the perfect time to send love and to share love. Give love. Be love. Love.
Ability to Respond
Responsibility is not about blaming ourselves. Responsibility is the ability to respond. It is the freedom to take action. It is the power to change. When we take responsibility, we face our fears and take steps to move past them.
Inner Peace
Dr. Wayne Dyer stated it best, “How do you get world peace? You get world peace through inner peace. If you’ve got a world full of people who have inner peace, then you have a peaceful world.”
Choose Peace
By choosing to see peace, we have an opportunity to observe and relate to the situation at hand in a new way. We may still be troubled by the conflict and still observe it with an intention for clarity. The practice engages our Higher Self and we are guided to a more peaceful solution.
The Gift of Listening
The true gift of listening is when we are fully present and receptive to what another person is saying. We may not fully agree with what they are saying, but we honor and listen to their story.
Illusion of Separation
Forgiveness is an opportunity to let go. Forgiveness puts an end to the illusion of separation. It takes a great deal of courage to let go.
Divine Love Prospers
From Catherine Ponder, “Divine Love is doing its perfect work here and now. Divine Love harmonizes, Divine Love adjusts, Divine Love prospers and foresees everything and richly provides every good thing right here and now. Divine Love is now victorious.”
The Gift of Gratitude
Gratitude acknowledges that we have received the gift that is being given, whether it is a compliment or an act of kindness. Gratitude puts us into a humbled state of appreciation. It connects us with God.