Feeling Groovy?

“Slow down, you move too fast
You gotta make the morning last, just
Kickin’ down the cobble stones
Looking for fun
And feeling groovy”
– Simon and Garfunkel
There is not a lot of groovy-ness to be felt lately. We are emerging from our Covid cocoons into a frantic, short-tempered, anxious world moving at warp speed. Humanity is in a hurry to make up for the isolation of the past year— for all the things we didn’t do, places we didn’t go and people we didn’t see. Are we there yet? Sorry, no we are not.
There is no vaccine to heal the emotional pandemic we are in. We can only pause, take a breath, surrender into the moment. Stop and smell the roses. I mean seriously. Stop now and go smell the roses, the grass, the basil growing in the garden. Go hug a tree. Do something lovely for yourself.
Take the time to slow down and appreciate this moment. I know there is a Creative Presence and Power that surrounds us in Love. In the midst of anxiousness, I know there is Harmony. At the center of pain, there is Wholeness. In spite of chaos and uncertainty, I know Peace.
“Let the morning time drop all its petals on me
Life, I love you, all is groovy.”
This moment is groovy.
The roses smell heavenly.
You are loved.