Prayer for My Country

I am often overwhelmed with the conflicts and issues about our country. I am grateful for this prayer from Ernest Holmes.

My Prayer for My Country
by Ernest Holmes

Believing in the Divine destiny of the United States of America and in the preservation of liberty, security, and self-expression for all, I offer this, my prayer for my country:

I know that Divine Intelligence governs the destiny of the United States of America, directing the thought and the activity of all who guide its affairs.

I know that success, prosperity, and happiness are the gifts of freedom, the Divine heritage and is now operating in the affairs of every individual in this country.

I know that Divine guidance enlightens the collective mind of the people of this country, causing it to know that economic security may come to all without the loss of either personal freedom or individual self-expression.

I know that no one can believe or be led to believe that freedom must be surrendered in order to insure economic security for all.The All-Knowing Mind contains the answer to every problem which confronts this country.

I know that every leader in this country is now directed by this All-Knowing Mind and has the knowledge of a complete solution to every problem. Each is compelled to act upon this knowledge to the end that abundance, security, and peace shall come to all.

And I know that this spiritual democracy shall endure, guaranteeing to everyone in this country personal liberty, happiness, and self-expression. Amen.

A World of Possibilities

“The most fortunate are those who have a wonderful capacity to appreciate again and again, freshly and naively, the basic goods of life, with awe, pleasure, wonder, and even ecstasy.” Abraham H. Maslow

Beyond Van Gogh

Imagine what it would be like during those 3 a.m. wake up sessions to think about a world of possibilities instead of thoughts of fear and dread. Can you imagine letting go of the worries of tomorrow and focus on the infinite possibilities that await us?

What would the world would be like if we took dominion of our thinking and focused on what we want instead of what we don’t want? Can you begin to imagine what it would  be like if we lived life from a daily place of gratitude and appreciation? 

Our problems won’t magically disappear. But shifting our thinking to what we want will calm the mind, release the stress in our bodies and give us a new outlook. We create new neural pathways in the brain and we are open to new possibilities.

Joe Dispenza states, “Spend time, contemplating who you want to be. The mere process of contemplating who you want to be, begins to change your brain.”

Change your thinking, change your life and imagine what the world could be.

“Cause every night I lie in bed

The brightest colors fill my head

A million dreams are keeping me awake

I think of what the world could be

A vision of the one I see

A million dreams is all it’s gonna take

Oh a million dreams for the world we’re gonna make.”

  – A Million Dreams from The Greatest Showman

Affirmation: I am willing to change my thinking and imagine an amazing world.

Expansion of Life

“The purpose of life is the expansion of happiness.” Deepak Chopra

Expansion of Life is the fourth step of exploring the frequency of love.

Letting go 

Opening the heart

Vibrating vitality

Expansion of life

When we are able to let go, open the heart, tap into vitality we open to the expansion of life. There is an expanded sense of self and a deepening of our mystical experience. This is divine power.

Living in a world that craves external power, Carolyn Myss reminds us, “Power originates behind your eyes, not in front of your eyes. Once power becomes visible, it evaporates. True power is invisible.”

Expansion is the all-encompassing presence of love. Now we live in the awareness of love as a frequency, a vibration, a presence of grace.  We no longer try to possess love but instead learn to live as an expanded sense of self and give love away.

Practice sending love every chance you have. Send energy, send light, send grace. It is all love. Whatever you give out graciously is returned multiplied.

Enjoy the journey.

Affirm: I am grateful for the expansion of love as my life.

Know that you are loved.

Vibration of Love

“Every part of my body is in harmony with the living Spirit within me. The life of this Divine Spirit flows through every atom of my being, revitalizing, reinvigorating and renewing every particle of my physical body.”  – Ernest Holmes

I was in the reception area of my chiropractor’s office and overhead a conversation in the hallway. One person said they were not looking forward to their birthday coming up later this month. They dreaded the idea of being another year older and were hesitant to celebrate. Their co-worker agreed.

Their comment stuck with me. I thought about a friend with cancer who gives thanks for every day she has. There are families whose loved ones did not survive the virus and they grieve their loss.

In the world before COVID (B.C.) we took people, plans, experiences and our health for granted. We were comfortable knowing we had plenty of time and energy to do what we wanted, when we wanted. In today’s world, nothing is certain. We are learning to be flexible in a shaky, chaotic world.

In the B.C. world, birthdays could be seen as a nuisance, a reminder we are getting older. In the post COVID world—I say they are a blessing, acknowledging how fleeting and fragile life is.

Perhaps living in our post-pandemic life is less about the outer experiences and more about the inner reflections and opportunities to grow and connect. What brings me joy? Who can I send love to today? What am I grateful for? 

When we are grateful we send out a vibration of love. That vibration benefits us and raises the vibration of the planet. Something we need more than ever.

I am grateful for my healthy, vibrant body. 

I am gratefully enjoy each day of my life.

I am appreciative of all the ways I am loved and blessed.

What are you grateful for?

Shifting Focus

Awareness is everything. We can so easily be distracted by ever-changing pandemic worries, friends and family illness updates, and whatever the media considers is ‘breaking news’ at the moment. It can be a challenge to stay focused on our greater good.

Author and teacher Catherine Ponder, tell us we can shift feelings and experiences when we invoke the healing power of love.

Speak this wisdom from Catherine Ponder aloud and repeat frequently throughout the day.

“Divine Love, expresses through me, now draws to me all that is needed to make me happy and my life complete.”

If you find yourself caught up in the conditions and drama of the world, repeat this statement of Truth:

“I praise Divine Love that there is a strong, wise way out of this dilemma.”

If you are having challenges with a difficult person:

“I fully and freely release and forgive. I loose and let go all ill feeling. Divine Love produces the perfect result now.”

Take a breath, shift your focus and remember this:

You exist in boundless good.

You are valued and appreciated.

You are loved.

Supply Chain Redefined

Field of sunflowers

“Too often the focus of our attention is misplaced, glued to what we believe is missing—which, in turn, directs the unbiased law of expansion to create an abundance of more of the same.”

   – Dennis Merritt Jones, The Art of Abundance

Have you noticed, not only has holiday shopping started early, it has been jump-started out of fear? Fear that there is not enough. Fear that our holidays will be a disappointment. Fear that the precious things we need to have a successful holiday are sitting in cargo containers and will not be available.

Hello?? Remember a year ago? A year ago, the most precious thing we wanted was a hug from a family member or friend. We would have been thrilled to sit in the same room. We would have been ecstatic to breathe the same space without fear.

Granted there are real shortages and real impacts on some businesses. We have an opportunity to not contribute to the mental and emotional fear. We have the freedom to speak words of faith.

Focus on what is available, what is important and precious. Take attention off what is missing and place it on the abundance of this moment. 

Speak this affirmation aloud from Catherine Ponder:

“Divine Substance cannot be diminished.

Divine Substance cannot be exhausted.

Divine Substance cannot be withheld.

Divine Substance is everywhere present and I wisely use it now.”

Most of all, know that you are loved.
