Secret to a Youthful Appearance

Yellow RosesPromises to restore youthful appearance, energy and vitality are abundant in our world today. Millions of dollars are spent on lotions, potions and creams to slow down the aging process and keep us looking and feeling youthful.

If you’ve been on the spiritual journey for a while, you know that the process works from the inside out. It’s the clinging emotions on the inside that clogs our energy and vitality. Resentment, anger, victim-thinking saps our energy and keeps us tired and run-down.

The cleansing process starts on the inside with forgiveness, self-love and acceptance. Have you ever noticed that when a problem is solved or an issue resolved you feel lighter like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders? Freedom started on the inside. It changes how we carry ourselves and how we respond to others.

There is only one secret potion that will restore youth, vitality and vigor. It is Love. We already own it, our work is to allow it to be revealed.

Are We There Yet?

Chinese Garden May 027Have you noticed there is an impatient four year old that lives in the mind? Are we there yet? How much longer before we get there? How much time is this going to take?

Time takes forever when we are waiting for an event to happen but disappears when we are living in the moment. Time seems endless when want our goal achieved but vanishes when we have released attachment to the results.

George Leonard shares in his book, Mastery, that in martial arts training, there is a moment when it appears the student is no longer improving. The skill level seems stagnant and stuck. Actually on the inside there is an abundance of activity of the mind, body and soul all coming into alignment. The challenge is not to stop practicing, but to continue regardless of the outside results. Progress is happening on an inner level that we can’t see. Change happens, not always on our time schedule. This is the practice of faith.

Faith isn’t something we turn on or off. It is a seed planted in us. As we nurture and cultivate it, our faith grows deeper, stronger and more profound. Deepening faith doesn’t happen overnight. It takes monitoring our emotions and reprogramming old thoughts into new ones. It takes picking ourselves up when we feel beaten down or finding something to be grateful for in the midst of challenges.

Faith happens when we appreciate each day as a treasure and every experience as a gift. May your days be filled with patience, faith and a sense of peace that you are doing exactly the right task, at the right time, with the perfect outcome

Patience, Grasshopper


I was talking with a friend over the weekend and she was sharing about her new job and new home. She was very grateful for this sudden turn around in her life. I reminded her that this was similar to when people say that an actor or actress was an ‘overnight’ success. There was nothing overnight about it. It was long journey of hard work, patience and dedication. It always seems overnight because when good happens it is sudden and profound.

The same is true of our spiritual journey. It is so important to stay connected to our spiritual practice, intentions and purpose. The Good that we desire is coming…it may not happen on our timeline but it absolutely is on God’s time.

Patience, grasshopper.


One Day at a Time

I was sharing with a friend today about my passion for empowering women to live inspired lives. Each of us has power, potential and unlimited possibilities. All too often that potential is buried underneath guilt, doubt, lack and limitation.

As we commit to our inner work of clearing away blocks and releasing error thoughts and limiting beliefs, we let our light shine. We find freedom to achieve our goals and dreams.

Once we find our own freedom, we are then in a position to help others on their spiritual journey. Transforming the world to be one of peace, freedom and grace begins with taking dominion of our own lives. One day at a time. Praise God!

This is your brain on God

Andrew Newberg is a neuroscientist at the University of Pennsylvania and is also the author of a new book “How God Changes Your Brain.” The new research shows that “the physical and emotional benefits of spiritual observances dramatically accrue over years of practice.” The researchers also took a group of people that had never meditated before and taught them a simple meditation practice. After meditating 12 minutes a day for eight weeks, their evaluation showed improvement in memory scores and decrease in anxiety and anger.

The article talks a lot about religion but primarily they are talking about spiritual practices. A fascinating article and research. We already knew this but it is always great when science catches up with spirituality!

Wheels of Life

I noticed a few weeks ago that one of the tires on our car looked a little flat. I stopped at the gas station to put air into it. The tire was not inflating no matter how much air was flowing into it. After a visit to the tire store, it turned out to be a bad valve on the tire.

The car manual states that inflating car tires with the correct amount of air is essential for maximizing gas mileage and ensuring even tire wear. So the same goes for maintaining the balance of spirit, mind and body. If we sustain a constant relationship with our spiritual practice (meditation, journaling, prayer, classes, etc) we are able to retain a presence of a peaceful mind and ease in our daily activities. When we are out of spiritual balance, the peaceful experience leaks out and the body feels deflated and lacks energy and we have difficulty getting tasks accomplished. Stress builds in the body because we are operating with less energy.
I realized that doubt is like a bad valve in our thinking. No matter how many positive affirmations, prayers or good thoughts we have in the moment, doubt is a slow leak that can leave us drained, diminished and discouraged.

Tire pressure is measured in PSI, or pounds per square inch. Spiritual balance can be measured in DDP or daily dedicated practice. As we maintain our practice we leave little room for doubt or uncertainty to take hold.

It is so important during the rough, bumpy road that we seem to be traveling lately to take the time to maintain our spiritual balance. It can boost our faith and keep the wheels of life moving with ease and grace.