
Today brings back so many memories. Especially this year with the loss of my husband Laurence. We were married on September 1st ten years ago.

My prayer is for compassion, peace and love. For our country and all humanity.


When out to dinner recently, a friend asked if she could have the chicken heated on her BBQ chicken salad. “No” replied the employee. Not “Sorry, but no” “Not usually, but let me look into that” or the correct answer “Of course we can do that for you.” Just no. So she asked the question again but still no. She rephrased the question and asked again. Finally, seeing that my friend was not going to take no for an answer, he called over to another employee who said, “Sure, I can do that.”

What fascinated me more than the amazing lack of customer service, was my friend’s persistence in asking for what she wanted. Three times. She was never rude or arrogant, but politely continued asking.

Simple but powerful reminder of what is available to us every day.

“Ask and it shall be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be open to you.” Matthew 7:7


As a child in Catholic school, I often imagined the opulence and mystery of heaven. It seemed to be a magical place where there was peace, love and all the ice cream I could eat. However, there seemed to be a lot of stuff to do (or not do) before I could be good enough to live there.

I now understand that the blessings of heaven are available to me now. When I align myself with spiritual principles to find my own peace of mind, it feels heavenly. I can experience heaven when I live in the consciousness of love, releasing resentment, anger and separation.

With enough attention, discipline and persistence, I can live in a heavenly state of awareness. However, unlimited ice cream is another lesson for another time.

“Heaven within is one perfect harmonious life, substance and intelligence and I rejoice.” Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore


If Only

I judged someone recently. I thought she wasn’t doing what she agreed to do and so I emailed and told her what I thought. She called and graciously thanked me for checking in on her. She told me her grandfather became very ill and she had to take him to the hospital. Needless to say, I felt petty and embarrassed. Instead of truly checking in to see how she was, I judged her.

 If only I had taken a moment to stop and check in with my feelings, I would have realized my hidden agenda of making her wrong. I would then have the opportunity to find a loving way to check in without blaming her.

If only I had remembered my spiritual purpose which is to reveal the joy of divinity, I would have contacted her out of compassion instead of blame.

If only I recognized my righteousness. Righteousness can be an ugly thing. It creates separation and division. It blocks the flow of love. By stopping the flow of love, it stops the flow of Good for everyone.

If only I saw God in her, I would have treated her differently and would be contributing to a world of love. If only…

Thank you God for second chances.

We have the Power

Each of us is a walking field of energy made up of our thoughts, feelings and ideas. We have the power to shift the energy in our lives. Instead of worrying and stressing and paying attention to the news, take the time to refocus your energy with these three Universal Laws:

Universal Law: Whatever I give out with love comes back to me multiplied.
Reach out and help someone else in need. A sense of expansion happens when we stop thinking about ourselves and extend a helping hand to another. The good deeds and efforts that you share with others will come back to you multiplied.

Universal Law: Whatever I am grateful for increases.
You may have already experienced some financial hardship and had to make some serious lifestyle changes. Don’t despair. Begin right where you are and put your attention on the things you are grateful for. Be grateful for new ideas, new opportunities, new relationships. Even the smallest seed of gratitude will grow and expand into possibilities you could never have imagined.

Golden Key:  Focus on God and away from the problem.
Dr Emmett Fox, author, teacher and healer in the early 1900s, developed the concept of The Golden Key. He taught that you turn the Golden Key by taking attention away from the problem and putting it on God instead.  In other words, stop worrying about the problem and put your thoughts on God or your highest idea of Good in your life. When you do this, you will be amazed at how your mind clears and things begin working out more easily and better than you thought possible.

We each make an impact on the collective energy field and on the results in our lives. Try this out for yourself and see the difference.

“In God all things are possible.” Mark 10:27

Love is Victorious

It’s so easy to focus on not being enough. If we were a little bit smarter, worked a little harder, extended ourselves a little farther, then we would be enough. Not true.

As long as we think there is something more to do or be or have, we live in lack. When we accept right where we are, at this moment, right now, we open ourselves for more to flow to us and through us. When we live in the moment we live in love. Emmet Fox wrote, “There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer.”

An affirmation from Catherine Ponder: “Divine Love is doing its perfect work here and now. Divine Love harmonizes, Divine Love adjusts, Divine Love prospers and foresees everything and richly provides every good thing right here and now. Divine Love is now victorious.”