Seth Godin uses the term ‘emotional labor’ in his book Linchpin. He describes it as the work we do to better ourselves so we can face our fears, deal with resistance, speak well of ourselves and others. He goes on to say that this is the individual work we do for ourselves that sets us apart. When we know ourselves and grow ourselves, we become valuable assets to our companies, clients and those around us.

This is an exciting revelation for those of us on the spiritual path to see business catching up with what we have known. You see, we’ve been doing this work for years. We have been facing fears, digging in and understanding ourselves so that we can move past hiding out, avoiding people and deadlines and feeling less than everyone else.  We have the tools, processes, activities and the technology to understand ourselves and excel.

Here is one of the most influential business  professionals in the world acknowledging the importance of self-awareness.  It doesn’t matter if you call it self-development, spiritual practice or work. It does matter if you do it.