Promises to restore youthful appearance, energy and vitality are abundant in our world today. Millions of dollars are spent on lotions, potions and creams to slow down the aging process and keep us looking and feeling youthful.

If you’ve been on the spiritual journey for a while, you know that the process works from the inside out. It’s the clinging emotions on the inside that clogs our energy and vitality. Resentment, anger, victim-thinking saps our energy and keeps us tired and run-down.

The cleansing process starts on the inside with forgiveness, self-love and acceptance. Have you ever noticed that when a problem is solved or an issue resolved you feel lighter like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders? Freedom started on the inside. It changes how we carry ourselves and how we respond to others.

There is only one secret potion that will restore youth, vitality and vigor. It is Love. We already own it, our work is to allow it to be revealed.

Bible Reading: Isaiah 55:1-13

Affirmation: “I have the mind of Christ. My words are spiritually quickened and they are alive forevermore. I am filled with the vitality and vigor and health of Love.” Keep a True Lent by Charles Fillmore