I judged someone recently. I thought she wasn’t doing what she agreed to do and so I emailed and told her what I thought. She called and graciously thanked me for checking in on her. She told me her grandfather became very ill and she had to take him to the hospital. Needless to say, I felt petty and embarrassed. Instead of truly checking in to see how she was, I judged her.

 If only I had taken a moment to stop and check in with my feelings, I would have realized my hidden agenda of making her wrong. I would then have the opportunity to find a loving way to check in without blaming her.

If only I had remembered my spiritual purpose which is to reveal the joy of divinity, I would have contacted her out of compassion instead of blame.

If only I recognized my righteousness. Righteousness can be an ugly thing. It creates separation and division. It blocks the flow of love. By stopping the flow of love, it stops the flow of Good for everyone.

If only I saw God in her, I would have treated her differently and would be contributing to a world of love. If only…

Thank you God for second chances.