Do you know what you want? I gave a workshop recently and watched the participants struggle trying to identify what it is they want. Most of the time women don’t know or they have a hard time articulating their desires. Do I dare ask? What if I don’t get it? Do I really deserve to ask for this? Good girls are trained from an early age not to be greedy or want too much. So we don’t ask for anything. We often stop ourselves from holding a vision for the future. The lack of vision actually creates an aura of confusion and doubt.
I’ve noticed a direct link between a belief in limitation and making good or sound choices. When there is limitation, making a choice to purchase something is excruciating. There is always lurking the fear that I will spend too much or purchase the wrong item. Wanting something and evaluating the ability to actually get it can take days or weeks to make a decision.
Getting out of the belief in scarcity takes humility and patience and willingness to change. Here are some tools:
1. Willingness to observe old patterns of belief.
Write down your beliefs as you discover them. Don’t judge them. Just observe your thoughts. Once we recognize them, we can begin the process to retrain the mind.
2. Willingness to be in financial integrity.
Is your checkbook balanced? Bills paid on time? Do you make regular contributions to charity? Be honest and do an evaluation to assess your financial integrity. Afraid to look? Connect with a financial advisor to help take you through the process.
3. Willingness to receive.
Practice receiving. A complement. A gift. A smile. Expand your envelope of receiving. Then when you receive, give gracious thanks.
4. Willingness to not judge yourself.
The next time you find yourself judging a thought or action, stop and say That’s not the truth about me. I am a divine expression of love. Be patient. Change takes time.
Rev. Christine,
I am John David Mann’s wife and he referred me to your blog. I love this post! So many women accept so little as possible and live in scarcity because of it.
I love that you talk about our programming. I think that the “good girl” model holds us back in so many ways including acting out and being “bad” as a reaction and self-sabotage. We are divine in every way and much good comes when we share the truth with each other. Thank you for this!
Warmest regards, Ana