Visit with Marianne Aug 09 013I am often asked how we go about trusting God. Do we make our request and sit back and wait for God to deliver? Or do we stay busy doing what we are doing and hope for the best? How do we know what to do?

I have observed that faith is an act of balance. Affirmative prayer is not about beseeching God to bring us our good. Prayer is the process of getting to know God. It is our opportunity to align ourselves with the qualities of God such as love, peace, joy, abundance and freedom. Meditation, quiet time, spiritual reading and prayer are ways to maintain our connection. When we become aware of the awesome beauty of nature, it reminds us of God. When we get a nurturing call from a loving friend, we receive God’s Love. When we say Grace before a meal, we are remembering God.

Our talents, abilities, skills are all gifts from God. As we express them in the world we are training ourselves to receive God’s gifts.

Here is where the balance part comes in. It is up to us to express our gifts in the world. When we have a goal, it is up to us to follow through on the steps needed to achieve that goal. That’s the work on the physical level, or the body of our affairs. At the same time we give thanks for the freedom we have to share our gifts, for the joy of serving others. That practice is training the mind to think grateful thoughts.

The spirit part of ourselves is engaged when we take a few moments each day to put our feet up and gaze at the wonder around us and give thanks. Even five minutes. The to-do list will wait. Take the time to give thanks for the awesomeness of God and the gracious gifts we are receiving each day. The attitude of gratitude will help unite us with the desires of the heart. The restful time will renew our spirit, mind and body. And it will deepen our faith with God.

Oh, I almost forgot. Prayer is always answered. On God’s time, not our time. So you might as well take some time to rest.

P.S. Yes, those are my feet in the photo as I rested this weekend at the Oregon coast. I highly recommend it!