Charles Fillmore, author of Keep a True Lent, calls Lent “a season of spiritual growth, a time for progressive unfoldment.When we can blend and merge our mind with God-Mind, the way is open for the Lord to glorify us and to lift us into a higher, purer, more spiritual state.”

The Church observes Lent as a reminder of the forty days of fasting and prayer that Jesus spent in the wilderness. As a child, I understood Lent to be a time of making sacrifice and giving something up. Usually it centered around giving up candy because that was truly giving up something difficult and was definitely a sacrifice.

Today I understand Lent is an opportunity to abstain from error thinking and to meditate on spiritual truth. I know that as I speak spiritual truth I am building a firm foundation of Love and faith.

I invite you to join me for the daily lessons. Each day I will share Fillmore’s affirmation and bible reading. I accept that the season of growth is a season of love, newness and freedom.