Picture 359On Saturday I was with a group of devoted clients who are committed to their spiritual journey. These women courageous, compassionate, devoted and dedicated to moving forward on their spiritual journey.

As I was thinking about these amazing women, I realized once again that the spiritual journey is not for wimps. There are key elements that are important to have:

1. Willingness to observe. Observation is the first step in healing. The ability to observe ourselves, our emotions and behavior is an essential element to grow.

2. Willingness to change. As we grow, we change. It’s not always comfortable or neat and tidy. Just as the butterfly works its way out of the cocoon, we also struggle to let go of old beliefs and thinking and let the newness emerge.

3. Willingness to be humble. The spiritual journey is awe-inspiring. We are humbled by the clarity, truth and wisdom around us as we realize “I, of myself, can do nothing. It is the Father within that does the work.”

I am truly blessed with connect with so many amazing women on the spiritual path.