“Your own consciousness is always creating thoughts, and the more you energize those thoughts, the more they come into being, good or bad.” – Paul Selig

Do you ever have those days where you wish for a magic wand—just for a moment to wave over life’s troubles and make them magically disappear?
If you’ve been on the spiritual path you’ve come to realize that change doesn’t come automatically. If I want my life to be different, I have to change my thinking, attitude, and perception. I have to be the one to initiate the change. There is no magic to it. Just consistent, dedicated practice to shift my thinking from wishing to doing.
In I Am The Word, Paul Selig writes, “This is not something that can be done once. This is about a new pattern, and like any new pattern it needs to be ingrained in consciousness and in behavior for it to become fully realized in your life.”
No one can do our work for us. We can’t will it or wish it away. There is no being in the sky that grants wishes for us. Each of us has to do our own work and look at old patterns, old beliefs, past experiences and take responsibility for them.
Responsibility is the ability to respond. We have the opportunity to bring conscious intention to whatever we are engaged in.
Ernest Holmes reminds us, “Realizing that all action starts in and is a result of consciousness, prepare your mind to receive the best that life has to offer. Become increasingly aware of the one Presence, the one Life and the one Sprit which is God. Drop all sense of lack or limitation.”
Affirm: I am willing to receive the best life has to offer me.
So glad to hear from you Betty! So glad you are feeling better.
Continued healing prayers for you.