“True love is made of four elements: loving kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity.” –Thich Nant Hanh

When I married my husband Laurence, I knew he was living with polycythemia vera, a rare type of blood cancer. He was managing his symptoms with meds and regular doctor visits. We were convinced that love was more powerful than the disease and that we would not let his diagnosis interfere with our lives. Until it did…

We knew whatever time we had was precious. We never discussed it, but there was a sense of living in the present moment and not taking anything for granted. We had our share of quarrels and arguments but we resolved them quickly and made a pact to never go to bed angry. We appreciated every day and activity. I am so grateful for every moment we shared together. He may not be here physically, but I am so aware of his loving energy.

Lately I’ve been thinking about how precious life is. Everyday for everyone. Our time here on earth is so brief. What if we truly lived knowing our time is limited? What would life be like if we lived with an intention to love and treated each other with respect and appreciation? What if we let disagreements  and differences fall away and found a sense of peace—for ourselves and others?

I lost several beloveds this year: my spiritual teacher and friend, Rev. Dr. Marcia Sutton; my beautiful friend, Georgena Grace: my wonderful Aunt Dorothy who took an interest in everything  I did; my lovely friend Charlotte, and several other friends and family members. They left before I could tell them what an impact they had on my life and how much I appreciate them.

I live in an awareness of deep gratitude every day. My intention is to live as love to the best of my ability, and to forgive myself when I mess up. I intend to let others know they make a difference in my life. I choose to see love in everyone I meet.

When I need help remembering, I use this prayer from Paul Selig: “On this day I choose to know my worth in love. On this day I decide to know the worth of all in love, regardless of my previous perceptions of them. On this day I know that all are worthy of love, and my sight, my expression affirms this every moment of my waking day. I know that this is so.”

I am grateful for you!  Know that you are loved.

Blessings for a joy-filled, love-filled New Year.